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A swarthy man, broad of shoulder, was the first, and afterward appeared Nash. "Conklin?" called Deputy Glendin, and swept the room with his startled glance. "Where's Conklin?" He was not there; only a red stain remained on the floor to show where he had lain. "Where's Conklin?" called Nash. "I'm afraid," whispered Bard quickly to the girl, "that it was more than a game of suppose."

"Wherever he's gone on the range he's raised hell. He's cut out for a killer, and Glendin in Eldara knows it." "I'll talk to Glendin. In the meantime you fellows keep your hands off Bard. In the first place because if you take the law into your own hands you'll have me against you understand?" Kilrain and Nash glowered at him a moment, and then backed through the door.

What does this mean, Nash?" The cowpuncher answered sulkily: "Glendin sent us out." "Don't lie. You sent yourself and took these men. I've seen Glendin." His wrath was tempered with a sneer. "But here you are four against one. Go down and bring him out to me alive!" There was no answer. "You said you wanted no odds against any one man."

As it was, feeling dignified by the brotherhood of crime into which he had been admitted as a full member, and eager to prove his qualifications, he was as dangerous as any member of the crew. The three men who were already in the room had been prepared by Glendin for this new arrival, but the fact was almost too much for their credence. Consequently they rose, and Dr.

Hoss-liftin'? That's another little mark on Bard's score." As if to make up for its silence of the blast when the two reached it late the night before, Eldara was going full that evening. Kilrain went straight for Doc Young, to bring him later to join Nash at the house of Deputy Glendin.

Certainly not." "Don't lie." "Drew, rein up. They's one thing no man can say to me and get away with it." "I tell you, man, I'm holding myself in harder than I've ever done before. Answer me!" He did not even rise, but Glendin, his hand twitching close to the butt of his gun, moved step by step away from those keen eyes. "Answer me!" "Nash; he's been to Eldara." "I might have known.

In the explosion and fire which resulted he made for the door. One man blocked the way, levelled a revolver at him, and then Bard shot in self-defence and downed Calamity Ben. I ask you, Glendin, is that self defence?" The other drummed his finger-tips nervously against his chin; he was thinking hard, and every thought was of Steve Nash. "So far, all right.

As they hurried for the barn Kilrain asked: "What makes the chief act soft to that hell-raiser?" "If you have a feller cut out for your own meat," answered Nash, "d'you want to have any one else step in and take your meal away?" "But you and me, Steve, we'll get this bird." "We'll get Glendin behind us first." "Why him?" "Play safe.

He told you about this?" "Yes." "And you're going the full limit of your power against Bard?" "I'll do nothin' that ain't been done by others before me." "Glendin, there have been cowardly legal murders before. Tell me at least that you will not send a posse to 'apprehend' Bard until it's learned whether or not Ben will die and whether or not Duffy will press the charge of horse stealing."

Still the steady eyes of Nash passed from Sally Fortune to Bard and back again. "This feller bein' a tenderfoot, he don't understand our ways; maybe he thinks the range is a bit freer than it is." "That's the trouble," answered Glendin, "he thinks too damned much." "And does quite a pile besides thinkin'," murmured Nash, but too low for the others to hear it.