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"This Bard walks up and bows. He says: 'Sir, I came here to find food, and since I can't get service, I'll take music as a substitute. "Them was the words he used, Steve, honest to God. Used them to Butch! "Well, Conklin was too flabbergasted to budge, and Bard, he leaned over and says to Sally: 'This floor is fairly smooth. Suppose you and I dance till I get a chance to eat?

Presently a tall youth came towards them: "I guess we'd better play somethin'?" "Forfeits! Mr. Stevens," was a girl's quick reply, and it was arranged to play forfeits in a queer educational fashion. First of all Mr. Stevens left the room, presumably to think. When he came in again he went over to Miss Conklin and asked her to spell "forgive." After a moment's pause she spelt it correctly.

"Hum," grunted the Elder, and left the stoop, going towards the outhouses. Bancroft turned into the parlour, where he found Mrs. Conklin. She seemed to be irritated, and not at all anxious, as he had expected: "Did you see the Elder?" "Yes," he replied. "He went to the barn. I thought of accompanying him, but was afraid he wouldn't like it." "I guess he's worrying about that corn," Mrs.

Of course, afterward I got kind of used to it. A man does. Lots of men, though, seem to feel all right from the start. I did, as soon as I 'got on to it, as they say now; but at first I was pretty well flustered. Now, there was young Jim Conklin, old Si Conklin's son that used to keep the tannery you none of you recollect him well, he went into it from the start just as if he was born to it.

Conklin replied eagerly, "we've heard nothing unless p'r'aps the Elder in Eureka" but her husband shook his head, and Morris went on: "Folks say the Government in Washington has sent General Custer out with troops to pertect the Indian Territory. Away East they think the settlers have been stealing the Reserve, an' the soldiers are coming with surveyors to draw the line again."

We in our office had never heard her called by that name, but Miss Larrabee explained, rather elaborately, that unless one was permitted to speak of Mrs. Conklin thus, one was quite beyond the hope of a social heaven. In the first place, Priscilla Winthrop was Mrs.

When the Elder was informed that General Custer was at the front door, he laid down his axe, and in his shirtsleeves went to meet him. "Mr. Conklin, I believe?" "That's my name, General." "You've resisted United States troops with arms, and now, it seems, you've got up a rebellion."

In the second place I had to be alone for the work that lay ahead." "Drew?" "Yes. It all worked like a charm. I went to the house of Jerry Wood, told him my name, stayed there until Conklin and several others arrived, hunting for me, and then gave them the slip." She did not look up from her occupation, which was the skilful cleaning of her gun.

"You have a man with you whose trade is talk. I'm not needed," was his curt reply. Half-incensed, half-gratified by his passionate exclamation, she drew back, while Barkman, advancing, said: "Good day, Mr. Bancroft, good day. I was just tryin' to persuade Miss Conklin to come for another drive this evenin' in order to get this business of ours settled as soon as possible." "Another drive."

A swarthy man, broad of shoulder, was the first, and afterward appeared Nash. "Conklin?" called Deputy Glendin, and swept the room with his startled glance. "Where's Conklin?" He was not there; only a red stain remained on the floor to show where he had lain. "Where's Conklin?" called Nash. "I'm afraid," whispered Bard quickly to the girl, "that it was more than a game of suppose."