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The fate of Warsaw moved the enemy to put up notice-boards announcing the event, one of which had on one side 'Warschau Gefallen, and on the other, apparently reversable by a string, 'Gott Strafe England. With commendable caution, however, they were planted so near their own trench that it required a field glass to read them.

"'Unser Ritter ist im klee gefallen the chevalier has fallen among clover, said the Emperor with a smile 'he has great luck he finds cousins every where. "'And in this instance, I replied, 'I might venture to challenge the envy even of your Majesty. "'Well said, chevalier! and now let us attend to the second act of the opera.

Not inches, but yards, rods, two city blocks almost, of microscopic type; columns of names, arranged in the systematic German way lightly wounded, badly wounded schwer verwundet gefallen. Some have died of wounds tot some dead in the enemy's country in Feindesland gefallen. Rank on rank, blurring off into nothingness, endless files of type, pale as if the souls of the dead were crowding here.

It may be they will not hear of it until a letter written to him in the care of his regiment and his company comes back unopened, with one word in sinister red letters on it Gefallen! At this hotel, yesterday, I saw a lady dressed in heavy black. She had the saddest, bravest face I ever looked into, I think. She sat in the restaurant with two other ladies, who were also in black.

Dein Loos ist gefallen, verfolge die Weise, Der Weg ist begonnen, vollende die Reise. GOETHE, West-östlicher Divan, Buch der Sprüche. Recent investigation has made it clear that the history of Islamic Arabia is not severed by any violent convulsion from pre-Mohammedan Arabia.

"Later: Have been twice to the Casualty List Office, or Information Bureau, where the names of the verwundet und gefallen are posted column after column, company after company, regiment after regiment of fine black type nothing more or less than a printer's morgue, crowding into one dark hallway the cemetery of a nation.

"O, out upon the man who claims, Almighty God, to be a preacher of Thy word, and yet so impudently asserts that, in order to attain Thy purposes, there was only one way in which it pleased Thee to make Thyself known to him!" This is very far from nur den einzigen Weg gehabt den Du Dir gefallen lassen ihm kund zu machen! The ihm is scornfully emphatic.