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Seven o'clock, the hour of the rehearsal, came round, and in a short time Eustacia could hear voices in the fuel-house. To dissipate in some trifling measure her abiding sense of the murkiness of human life she went to the "linhay" or lean-to-shed, which formed the root-store of their dwelling and abutted on the fuel-house.

The choice of Captain Vye's fuel-house as the scene of rehearsal was dictated by the fact that his dwelling was nearly in the centre of the heath. The fuel-house was as roomy as a barn, and was a most desirable place for such a purpose.

"What do you want?" they asked together. "This key," she said, holding it up, and looking at them. "Do you mean her to have it?" said Tant Sannie in Dutch. "Why don't you stop her?" asked Bonaparte in English. "Why don't you take it from her?" said Tant Sannie. So they looked at each other, talking, while Lyndall walked to the fuel-house with the key, her underlip bitten in.

Since he prayed and howled to his God in the fuel-house three years had passed. They say that in the world to come time is not measured out by months and years. Neither is it here.

Eustacia had watched the assemblage through the hole; and seeing that now was the proper moment to enter, she went from the "linhay" and boldly pulled the bobbin of the fuel-house door. Her grandfather was safe at the Quiet Woman. "Here's Charley at last! How late you be, Charley." "'Tis not Charley," said the Turkish Knight from within his visor.

I jist nodded to en in a friendly way as I passed, and went my way, and thought no more about it. Well, next day, as I was oilen my boots by fuel-house door, if a letter didn't come wi' a bill charging me with a feather-bed, bolster, and pillers, that I had bid for at Mr. Taylor's sale.

Gregory walked to the pigsty first, and contemplated the pigs for a few seconds; then turned round, and stood looking fixedly at the wall of the fuel-house as though he thought it wanted repairing; then he started off suddenly with the evident intention of going to the ostrich-camps; then paused, hesitated, and finally walked off in the direction of the kopje.

For the mending of an expedition rests not in the hands of the poor instrument that attempts it." Their soldier signaled for the gates to be opened, and they entered the fort. Marie was on her morning round of inspection. She had just given back to a guard the key of the powder magazine. Well, storehouse, fuel-house, barracks, were in military readiness.

But let me look first indoors." She vanished for a minute or two, and went in. Her grandfather was safely asleep in his chair. "Now, then," she said, on returning, "walk down the garden a little way, and when I am ready I'll call you." Charley walked and waited, and presently heard a soft whistle. He returned to the fuel-house door. "Did you whistle, Miss Vye?"

'Light a fire? ah, yes.... I wonder if we could manage. This is an odd coincidence and awkward! he murmured. 'Very well, light a fire. 'Is this the kitchen, sir, all mixed up with the parlours? 'Yes. 'Then I think I can do all that's wanted here for a bit; at any rate, till you can get help, sir. At least, I could if I could find the fuel-house. 'Tis no such big place as I thought!