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But I think we might have to wait a long time for that meeting." Vye crawled weakly from the area of a rock outcrop. The sun, reflected from the cliff side, was a lash of fire across his emaciated body. His swollen tongue moved a pebble back and forth in his dry mouth. He stared dimly down the slope to that beckoning platter of water open under the sun, rimmed with the deadly woodland.

"It will perhaps be best," said Clym. "Thomasin, dry yourself, and be as comfortable as you can." With this he closed the door upon her, and left the house in company with Captain Vye, who parted from him outside the gate, taking the middle path, which led to Mistover. Clym crossed by the right-hand track towards the inn.

They watched thin flame run up and down that invisible barrier, but not destroy it. Hume relooped the tube. "Their trap is sprung." "There may be another way out!" But Vye was already despondently sure there was not. Those who had rigged this trap would leave no bolt holes.

The reddleman spoke huskily, and looked into the garden. "Who gave her away?" "Miss Vye." "How very remarkable! Miss Vye! It is to be considered an honour, I suppose?" "Who's Miss Vye?" said Clym. "Captain Vye's granddaughter, of Mistover Knap." "A proud girl from Budmouth," said Mrs. Yeobright. "One not much to my liking. People say she's a witch, but of course that's absurd."

But the grip which had pulled Vye forward, swung him around and down on the other bench in the booth, was anything but slack. The Vorm-man glanced from the patron of the Starfall to its least important employee and then grinned, thrusting his fanged jaws close to Lansor's. "If the master wants to drink, you dirt-rat, you drink!"

You had come out of the daze we both had." Vye tried to remember, decided that the Hunter was correct. He had been trying to elude the charge of the beast, only, fear and that desperate desire had occupied his mind at that moment. But what did that signify?

He kept watch for any of the proper size and weight. The ledge narrowed, one shoulder scraped the cliff now as they rounded a pinnacle to lose sight of the flitter. But the globes continued to hover over them. "We are still traveling in the direction they want," Vye speculated. Hume had gone to hands and knees to negotiate an ascent so steep he had to search for head and toe holds.

"Hume " Vye was startled at the sound of his own voice, so thready and weak, and by the fact that he found it difficult to speak at all. The other's head turned; now the eyes were on him and there was a spark of awareness in them. "Wass?" The whisper was as strained as his own had been. "In there." Vye's hand lifted from Hume's chest indicating the valley. "Not good." Hume blinked again.

"Don't make sport of me, Miss Vye," he said. "It isn't true?" "Certainly not." She was thus convinced that the reddleman was a mere pis aller in Mrs. Yeobright's mind; one, moreover, who had not even been informed of his promotion to that lowly standing.

On entering he found that his mother, after waiting a long time for him, had finished her meal. "Where have you been, Clym?" she immediately said. "Why didn't you tell me that you were going away at this time?" "I have been on the heath." "You'll meet Eustacia Vye if you go up there." Clym paused a minute.