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After three days of successful washing, when it became apparent that a shed must be built, and that, if possible, some further labour must be hired, Mick said that he must go. 'I ain't earned nothing, he said, 'because of that bout, and I ain't going to ask for nothing, but I can't stand this any longer. I hope you'll make your fortins. Then came the explanation.

The resentment of the insult could be read in her great black eyes; and a bitter disgust contracted her lips. "Besides," she added, "the commissary had no need of my explanations to understand what abject inspirations the Fortins were following. The wretches had in their pocket the wages of their infamy.

And he started off, repeating once more to the young girl, "I will see you to-night: until then, good hope and good courage." In the court, two ill-looking men were talking with the Fortins. But it happened often to the Fortins to talk with ill-looking men: so he took no notice of them, ran out to the Boulevard, and jumping into a cab,

An' she made her libbin outen de money she got for her wares. She use to tell fortins too; an' folks did say as she tole true, an' some did say as she had a tell-us-man ring w'ich, when she wore it, she could see inter de futur; but Lor', young marse, dey was on'y supercilly young idiwuts as b'leibed dat trash! But she nebber would take no money for tellin' fortins nebber! w'ich was curous.

Now that he had unmasked his batteries and begun the struggle, he was not sorry to meet Mlle. Lucienne. In less than five minutes he had reached the Boulevard du Temple. In front of the Fortins' narrow corridor a dozen idlers were standing, talking. M. de Tregars was listening as he went along. "It is a frightful accident," said one, "such a pretty girl, and so young too!"

"Look yer," he said, pointing to a paragraph he had evidently just read, "just you listen to this, and see if we ain't lucky, you and me, to be jest wot we air trustin' to our own hard work and not thinkin' o' 'strikes' and 'fortins. Jest unbutton yer ears, Billy, while I reel off this yer thing I've jest struck in the paper, and see what d d fools some men kin make o' themselves.

And, besides, do not say that a hundred and fifty francs are nothing to you: perhaps you do not earn much more each month." "I confess it," he said, blushing a little. "You see, then? No, it was not to you that my words were addressed, but to the man who has paid the Fortins. He was waiting on the Boulevard, the result of the manoeuvre, which, they thought, was about to place me at his mercy.

"Never mind, boy," exclaimed Rooney with a successful effort at heartiness, "it won't last long it's only till we get a suitable chance of a ship to take us an' our small fortins back to ould Ireland or England, if ye prefer it though it's my own opinion that England is only an Irish colony. Never say die. Sure we've seen a dale of life, too, in them parts.

I've got my living by casting fortins, and begging, and cadging, and such like. Sometime I've slept in a barn, and sometime in a hedge, but I've fought my way to you, true and faithful, through it all, you see." "So he's gone," said George, between his teeth, "and his money with him. That's awful. What an unnatural old villain!"

Well, nobody desarves his luck better than Miles Providential luck, I mean, my dear madam Wallingford," interpreting a sorrowful expression of Lucy's eyes aright; "for, thanks to your teaching, I now understand there is a divine director of all our fortins, whether ashore, or afloat, black or white."