United States or Mali ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

H. at Drury Lane in Lamb's unlucky farce of that name in 1806. See note at the head of "To the Shade of Elliston," above. My first introduction. This paragraph was a footnote in the Englishman's Magazine.

[Footnote 21: XXVIII, 1, pp. 199 ff. Reviewed also in Auserlesene Bibliothek der neusten deutschen Litteratur, Lemgo, VII, p.

[Footnote 78: Leipzig, 1785 or 1786. See Allg. Litt. Zeitung, 1786, III, p.

[Footnote 22: "La novit

The result was that twelve families were persuaded to go, or about a twentieth part of the number wanted. Detroit was expected to furnish supplies to the other posts for five hundred miles around, control the neighboring Indians, thwart English machinations, and drive off English interlopers. [Footnote 45: Le Ministre

[Footnote 487: Montcalm au Ministre de la Guerre, 24 Avril, 1757; Relation de l'Ambassade des Cinq Nations

His rhymes for my week were headed, "To MARY IN H l," meaning to Mary in Hannibal, of course. But while setting up the piece I was suddenly riven from head to heel by what I regarded as a perfect thunderbolt of humor, and I compressed it into a snappy footnote at the bottom thus: "We will let this thing pass, just this once; but we wish Mr.

Croffut in a footnote tells this anecdote: "When the Commodore's portrait first appeared on the bonds of the Central, a holder of some called one day and said: 'Commodore, glad to see your face on them bonds. It's worth ten per cent. It gives everybody confidence. The Commodore smiled grimly, the only recognition he ever made of a compliment.

[Footnote H: Cours de Littérature Dramatique. Par Saint-Marc Girardin, de l'Académie Française, Professeur

[Footnote 1: The Avocat-Général was M. de Seguier; and, under his guidance, the Parliament had passed the monstrous resolution that "the people in France was liable to the tax of la taille, and to corvée at discretion" (était tailleable et corvéable