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The mountain, where it was to be erected, is wild and stern, and overlooks the scene of the battle. It was calculated that the statue would be clearly visible at a distance of sixty miles. The temple is nearly finished, and the statue itself has been cast at the copper works at Lemgo.

We applied what means were in our power, and I urged our remaining at Pyrmont, and sending to defer the meeting; but he would go on to Lemgo. His whole frame was much shaken, and we passed a sleepless night, so that the meeting next day was not a little formidable. It proved a much longer journey to Vlotho than we had expected; when we arrived we found a large number assembled.

When the natural history illustrations of Java, by Mr. Horsfield, are completed, they will, in conjunction with this work, and the Transactions of the Batavian Society, leave nothing to be desired on the subject of this part of Asia. E. Koempfer's Geschichte und Beschriebung von Japan. Lemgo, 1777-79. 2 vols. 4to.

[Footnote 21: XXVIII, 1, pp. 199 ff. Reviewed also in Auserlesene Bibliothek der neusten deutschen Litteratur, Lemgo, VII, p.

Autore E. Koempfer. Lemgo, 1712. 4to. This work relates principally to Persia, and the easternmost parts of Asia: M. Langles justly characterizes it as a rich mine of information of all kinds respecting this portion of the world. Samlung der murkwurdigsten Reisen in den Orient. Von E. Panlus. Jena, 1792-1798. 10 vols. 8vo.