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In the first collection ofFragmente über die neuere deutsche Litteratur,” 1767, the sixth section treats of theIdiotismenof a language. BritishLauneis cited as such an untranslatableIdiotismand the lack of German humorists is noted, and Swift is noted particularly as an English example.

"'Well, what has he done? "'Sure enough! said the Squire, 'what has he done? That's just what I can't find out. "'What do you want to find out for? What ails him? "'Suppose he hasn't done nothin'. Is that the sort o' man to teach litteratur in Pattaquasset? "'Now, Sam Deacon, what do you expect to do by all this fuss you're making? said his sister, judicially.

One needs only to mention the concern of Herder, as displayed in theFragmente über die neuere deutsche Litteratur,” and his statement with reference to the predicament as realized by thoughtful minds may serve as a summing up of that part of the situation. “Seit der Zeit ist keine Klage lauter and häufiger als über den Mangel von Originalen, von Genies, von Erfindern, Beschwerden über die Nachahmungs- und gedankenlose Schreibsucht der Deutschen.”

[Footnote 1: This is well illustrated by the words prefaced to the revived and retitled Frankfurter Gelehrte Anzeigen, which state the purpose of the periodical: “Besonders wird man für den Liebhaber der englischen Litteratur dahin sorgen, dass ihm kein einziger Artikel, der seiner Aufmerksamkeit würdig ist, entgehe, und die Preise der englischen Bücher wo möglich allzeit bemerken.” (Frankfurter gel. Anz., 1772, No.

It is claimed by Goebel that Goethe’sHomunculus,” suggested to the master partly by reading of Paracelsus and partly by Sterne’s mediation, is in some characteristics of his being dependent directly on Sterne’s creation. In a meeting of theGesellschaft für deutsche Litteratur,” November, 1896, Brandl expressed the opinion that Maria of Moulines was a prototype of Mignon inWilhelm Meister.”

J. H. Smith, The troubadours at Home, 2 vols., New York, 1899; popularises scientific knowledge by impressions of travel in Southern France, photographs, and historical imagination: generally stimulating and suggestive, Most histories of French literature devote some space to Provençal; e.g. Suchier & Birch-Hirschfeld, Geschichte der französischen Litteratur, Leipsic, 1900.

[Footnote 69: See Auserlesene Bibliothek der neuesten deutschen Litteratur, VII, p.

These chiefly refer to Italian and English literature. J. A. Symonds. Renaissance in Italy. Vols. IV and V. Italian Literature. B. Weise and E. Pèrcopo. Geschichte der italienischen Litteratur von den ältesten Zeiten bis zur Gegenwart. Leipzig und Wien, 1899. I have often found this of considerable use as summarizing the latest work on the subject.

[Footnote 21: XXVIII, 1, pp. 199 ff. Reviewed also in Auserlesene Bibliothek der neusten deutschen Litteratur, Lemgo, VII, p.

In 1774 he published hisUebersetzer-Bibliothek zum Gebrauche der Uebersetzer, Schulmänner und Liebhaber der alten Litteratur.” The reviewer in the Allgemeine deutsche Bibliothek finds passages in this book in which the author of theEmpfindsame Reisenis visible, where his fancy runs away with his reason, and a passage is quoted in which reference is made to Slawkenberg’s book on noses.