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His Arverne Sacques is all right, Barney, but the rest is nix. He's a one garment man. Tell Miss Aaronstamm to bring in her book. I want to send them Boston Store people a letter." A moment later Miss Aaronstamm entered, and sat down at a sample table. "Write to the Boston Store," Leon Sammet said. "'Horowitz & Finkelbein, Proprietors, Gents' got that?

"Our other styles, too, he turns out wonderful. Our Empire models what he designs for us, Abe, I assure you is also making a tremendous sensation. You ought to see the letter we got this morning from Horowitz & Finkelbein." Barney blew his nose with a loud snort. "I guess I'll go upstairs, and see what the boys is doing in the cutting-room, Leon," he said, and made a hasty exit.

"You're right, Mawruss," he said at length; "I'll go and see Henry D. Feldman the first thing to-morrow morning." The next morning Leon Sammet sat at his roll-top desk in his private office, while Barney went over the morning mail. "Hallo," Barney cried, "here's a check from Horowitz & Finkelbein for the full amount of their bill, Leon.

I bet you they done an increased business of twenty per cent. with that young feller's designs. I met Ike Gotthelf, buyer for Horowitz & Finkelbein, and he tells me he gave Sammet Brothers a two-thousand-dollar order a couple of weeks ago, including a hundred and twenty-two garments of that new-style they got out, which they call the Arverne Sacque, one of Louis Grossman's new models."

Our Miss Kenny is a perfect thirty-six, and she can't breathe in them Empires style 3022, in sizes 36, 38 or 40. What is the matter with you, anyway? We are returning them via Eagle Dispatch. We are yours truly, The Boston Store, Horowitz & Finkelbein, Proprietors." "Yes, Barney," Leon commented, "that's a designer for you, that Louis Grossman.