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I took my seat, looking at my watch: it was a quarter past ten. Yermolai did not even say good-bye to me he was engaged in beating his Valetka Filofey tugged at the reins, and shouted in a thin, thin voice: 'Hey! you little ones!

'Bad luck, Filofey commented, in an emphatic undertone; and, clicking to the horses irresolutely, he began to urge them on again. But at that very instant there was a sort of sudden rush and whizz, and a very big, wide cart, harnessed with three lean horses, cut sharply at a rush up to us, galloped in front, and at once fell into a walking pace, blocking up the road.

You were sorry for your horses: weren't you sorry for your wife and children? 'Why be sorry for them? They weren't going to fall into the hands of thieves, you know. But I kept them in my mind all the while, and I do now... surely. Filofey paused.... 'May be... it was for their sake Almighty God had mercy on us. 'But if they weren't highwaymen? 'How can we tell?

On the box, with back bowed and head bent, Filofey was sitting like a statue, and a little further on, above the rippling water, I saw the curved arch of the yoke, and the horses' heads and backs.

It appeared that Yermolai, on engaging Filofey, had stated that he could be sure that, fool as he was, he'd be paid... and nothing more! Filofey, fool as he was in Yermolai's words was not satisfied with this statement alone. He demanded, of me fifty roubles an exorbitant price; I offered him ten a low price.

'Master, Filofey said to me suddenly, 'look: there they're stopping at the tavern... their cart. I raised my head... there they were, and their cart and horses. In the doorway of the drinking-house there suddenly appeared our friend, the giant in the cape. 'Sir! he shouted, waving his cap, 'we're drinking your health!

He went off for the horses, and an hour later brought five for me to choose from. The horses turned out to be fairly good, though their manes and tails were tangled, and their bellies round and taut as drums. With Filofey came two of his brothers, not in the least like him.

'Well, then, get on quicker; it's no good lingering. Filofey brandished the whip, and the coach rolled on again. Though I did not put much faith in Filofey, I could not go to sleep. 'What if it really is so? A disagreeable sensation began to stir in me. I sat up in the coach till then I had lain down and began looking in all directions.

'Ho-ho, ho-ho-o! Filofey began suddenly bawling at the top of his voice; he sat up and brandished the whip.

But, like this, we shall be drowned directly. Is this how you cross the ford? Eh? Why, you're asleep, Filofey! Answer, do! 'I've made a little mistake, observed my guide; 'I've gone to one side, a bit wrong, but now we've got to wait a bit. 'Got to wait a bit? What ever are we going to wait for?