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I put that message in an envelope, and left it on his table where he'll surely see it the first thing when he gets back to-night, addressed to 'Bob Hollister, Diamond Merchant, Cell No. 99, Pentonville Prison." "Aha!" said I, my doubts clearing. "Likewise Ho-ho," said Holmes.

Marco held the newcomer at bay until Wagner had disappeared in the direction of the town. Then, leaning over, he whispered in the ear of the rotund musician. "Ha! ho! hum! vhat? ho ho! ha ha!" "Hush!" warned Marco, with a quick glance at the constable's deputies patrolling up and down. "Will you do it?" "Vill I oh, schure! Ha-ha! ho-ho! Mister Marco, you are von chenyus."

LeNoir and his men roared. "Dat good whiskey," he cried, still holding the boy. "You not lak dat, hey?" "No," said the boy, "it is not good at all." "Try heem some more," said LeNoir, thrusting the bottle at him again. "I will not," said Ranald, looking at LeNoir straight and fearless. "Ho-ho! mon brave enfant! But you have not de good mannere. Come, drink!"

"Well, well, it would be a sin and a shame to waste good things upon you." He put the bottle to his lips and threw back his head. "Father, you shan't do that!" exclaimed Pelle, bursting into tears and shaking his father's arm so that the liquid splashed out. "Ho-ho!" said Lasse in astonishment, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "She's uncommonly lively, ho-ho!"

Ho-ho!" he laughed, letting the laugh slip out gently and by degrees that it might make little noise in its exit, and smiting Dick under the fifth rib at the same time. "This will never do, upon my life, Master Dewy! calling for tay for a feymel passenger, and then going in and sitting down and having some too, and biding such a fine long time!"

"Silence " the Overseer began. "Iss, silence for ever and ever, amen," said Towy. "No trial I need. How can the Judge judge if there's no judging to be? Go up will I then. Hope to see you again, Shames." The Overseer tightened his girdle. "Thus saith the Lord," he proclaimed: "'I will consider each by his deeds or all by the deeds of their two apostles." "Ho-ho," said Towy. "Half one moment.

Drank it down and smacked his lips. 'I'm a State of Maine man, he says, 'and that's a prohibition state. This tastes like home, he says. 'If you don't mind I'll help myself to another. 'I don't mind, says I, 'but I'm sorry I ain't got any hair-ile. If I had you might have a barber-shop toddy. Yes, sir! Ho-ho! that's what I said. But he didn't mind. He was " And so on.

Good-by forever!" and she dashed to the other side of the tent. At that, with a deal of noisy mirth, in burst Laplante and the Sioux squaw. "Ho-ho! My knight-errant has opened his eyes! Great sport for the braves, say I! Fine mouse-play for the cat, ho-ho!" and Louis looked down at me with laughing insolence, that sent a chill through my veins.

"My husband propose anything that would contribute to my pleasure or intellectual advancement? Bah! Your story is transparently false at the outset." "Nevertheless," said Kidd, "the scheme was proposed by Socrates. He said a trip of that kind for Xanthippe would be very restful and health-giving." "For me?" cried Xanthippe, sceptically. "No, madame, for him," retorted Kidd. "Ah ho-ho!

The only sound is the patter of rain dropping like fine shot on the young rye and the parched road. "We shall get soaked, Fyolka," mutters Terenty. "There won't be a dry spot left on us. . . . Ho-ho, my girl! It's run down my neck! But don't be frightened, silly. . . . The grass will be dry again, the earth will be dry again, and we shall be dry again. There is the same sun for us all."