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Vir magne, vir mirande, vir sine exemplo. Ep. 100. p. 474. Ep. 68. Cent. 2. Life, B. 2. p. 93. Life, B. 3. p. 182. Anti Baillet. c. 3. Popo Blanet, p. 746. Ep. 277. 2 Lettre du xxi. Livre, p. 831. Bibliotheque choisie, p. 461. Ep. 13. Præs. vir. p. 23. Du Maurier, p. 393. Ep. Sar. p. 145. Ep. Sar. 128. p. 143. Ep. 21. p. 24. Ep. Vossi, 728. p. 38. Vind. Grot. p. 446. Crenii Anim. phil. et hist.

"Be not sure of that, my friend; I am acquainted with many things of which you have little idea." "Por exemplo," said the figure. "For example," said I; "you speak two languages." The figure moved on, seemed to consider a moment, and then said slowly bueno.

Nec regibus infinita aut libera potestas: et duces exemplo potius, quam imperio, si prompti, si conspicui, si ante aciem agant, admiratione praesunt.

The Apostle, 1 Cor. x. 29, where he is speaking of a certain kind of idolothites which are in themselves lawful, and only evil in the case of scandal, showeth, that if the weak, in a private banquet, see the strong eating such meats as have been offered to idols, notwithstanding of warning given, then is the weak one scandalised, because, would the Apostle say, Vel ipse etiam edet tuo exemplo, vacillante conseientia, vel tacite factum tuum damnabit.

'You speak of voices, said I; 'suppose the tone of your own voice were to tell me who you are? 'That it will not do, replied my companion; 'you know nothing about me you can know nothing about me. 'Be not sure of that, my friend; I am acquainted with many things of which you have little idea. 'Por exemplo, said the figure. 'For example, said I, 'you speak two languages.

Opera, tom. ix. p. 140. Another piece of advice runs as follows: "De venere certe non est bona, neque utilis, ubi tamen contingat necessitas, debet uti ea inter duos somnos, scilicet post mediam noctem, et melius est exercere eam ter in sex diebus pro exemplo ut singulis duobus diebus semel, quam bis in una die, etiam quod staret per decem dies." Opera, tom. ix. p. 135.

Well it must be: I am pledged to fulfil the motto of my escutcheon: 'Virtute et exemplo." A quarter of an hour later, the emperor was on his way to the villa, which was situated in the midst of a fine park, not far from the palace of Schounbrunn. Joseph drove himself, accompanied by a jockey, who stood behind. The people on the road greeted their sovereign as he passed.

Flagitio additis Damnum: neque amissos colores Luna refert medicata fuco He thought they were not worthy to be trusted again: To shew them pity, in his mind, would betray the Romans to perpetual danger: Et exemplo trahenti Perniciem veniens in aevum, Si non periret immiserabilis Captiva pubes

Florus 1, 18, 10, ed. Halm. NULLO EXEMPLO: 'without any precedent'. PRIVATUS: any person is privatus who is not actually in office at the moment referred to, whether he has led a public life or not. LICENTIAE: a strong word is used to mark the heinousness of Duillius' supposed offence against ancestral custom. ALIOS: sc. nomino. PRIMUM: the corresponding deinde is omitted, as often.

Potestas==rightful power, authority; potentia==power without regard to right, ability, force, cf. note, 42. Ad rem, cf. Caes. Ambiorix tells Caesar, that though he governed, yet the people made laws for him, and the supreme power was shared equally between him and them. Exemplo imperio. "Dative after sunt==are to set an example, rather than to give command." So Grueber and Doed.