United States or Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

But, of course, Bertie frankly cheated. He succeeded in scrounging that Scripture-knowledge trophy over the heads of better men by means of some of the rawest and most brazen swindling methods ever witnessed even at a school where such things were common. If that man's pockets, as he entered the examination-room, were not stuffed to bursting-point with lists of the kings of Judah "

For him in vain does the youthful volunteer allow his uniform to peep out beneath his student's gown: he will not profit by the patriotic indulgence he counted on inspiring. His sayings in the examination-room are famous, and among them are some ghastly pleasantries. Here is one, addressed to a victim: "And you, sir, are a law student, while our farmers are in want of hands!"

The student that has spent the term in indolence, perhaps dissipation, has no time to get up his subject when he is in the examination-room, with the paper before him. And life, and nature, and God's law, which is the Christian expression for the heathen one of nature, are stern taskmasters, and demand that the duty shall be done in its season or left undone for ever.

"All that the cards tell me, but I'll do a little crystal-gazing if you like!" and Clive seized a glass paperweight, and, staring intently at it, pretended to throw himself into a state of abstraction. "I see an examination-room!" he declared. "I see rows of desks, and girls writing at them. There are lists of questions.

'It's like that with some people, he said; 'whenever I got into the examination-room or anywhere everything seemed to go. Engaged to be married of course to another over-sensitive person, I suppose when the indiscretion with the gas escape ended his affairs. 'And where are you now? I asked. 'Not in ? "He wasn't clear on that point at all.

After a very few minutes of standing around in the rain it was a plan to get rich quick that would have occurred to almost any one. My number was forty-three. After seeing only five people in one hour pass through the examination-room, I approached a man of proud bearing, told him I was a detective, and that I had detected he was from Scotland Yard. He looked anxiously at his feet.

On the second day of the examination he happened to arrive in the examination-room ten minutes too soon for the afternoon sitting. He wandered about the place exercising his curiosity, and reached the master's desk. On the desk was a tabulated form with names of candidates and the number of marks achieved by each in each subject of the previous day.

Indeed, after a few minutes in the examination-room, after the preliminary critical assessing of the difficulty of the problems in design, and the questions, and of his ability to deal with them, George successfully forgot everything except the great seven-day duel between the self-constituted autocratic authorities backed by prestige and force, and the aspirants who had naught but their wits to help them.

Robert was not the man to leave anything to chance, or to such unsafe abbreviations as P.T.O. Outside the examination-room he devoted most of the time that he could spare from preparation for the next paper to a systematic exploration of Edinburgh. He did the thing as thoroughly as possible, for he knew well that he might never spend four days in a large town again.

The roaring world in which he would find himself, the strange examination-room, the quizzing professors would these combine with his native shyness to seal the lips and cramp the pen of Robert Chalmers Fordyce? No a thousand times no! He would win through! Robert set his teeth, braced himself, and kicked the man opposite.