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When Ravenel came others slipped out, although he pleasantly remarked that they need not, and those who looked in later and saw the two men sitting face to face drew back. "That thing last night," said Weed to Usher, going to the door of their store to throw his quid into the street, "givm the Courier about the hahdest kick in the ribs she evva got."

But they's got one maxim what you may 'ave 'eard I do not fine that maxim always come t'ue. 'Ave you evva yeah that maxim, 'A fool faw luck'? That don't always come t'ue. I 'ave discove'd that." "No," responded Richling, with a parting smile, "that doesn't always come true." Dr. Sevier denounced the world at large, and the American nation in particular, for two days.

She seized and kissed it thrice, covering it with tears, at the same time lifting up her eyes to his and murmuring: "De bez man God evva mague!" At the door she turned to offer a more conventional good-by; but he was following her out, bareheaded.

Richling could but confess the whole thing was delicious. "Yo humble servan', seh," responded the smiling Creole, with a flattered bow. Then, assuming a gravity becoming the historian, he said: "In fact, 'tis a gweat mistake, that statement that Lawd By'on evva qua'led with his lady, Mistoo Itchlin. But I s'pose you know 'tis but a slandeh of the pwess. Yesseh.

He offered his hand. She seized and kissed it thrice, covering it with tears, at the same time lifting up her eyes to his and murmuring: "De bez man God evva mague!" At the door she turned to offer a more conventional good-bye; but he was following her out, bareheaded.

I been try evva since meck out what he say. Yass. An' I jis meck it out! He say, 'Watch out, watch out, 'Mian Roussel and dat book-fellah dawn't put op jawb on you. Well, I'm a fool, but I know. You put op jawb on me; I know. But dass all right I don't take no book." He laughed with the rest, scratched his tipsy head, and backed out through the pieux.

"Rhaoul? Oh yes, I rhecommend Rhaoul to you. As an assistant in yo' sto'? the best man you could find." "Thank you, sir," said Joseph, coldly. "Good-morning!" he added turning to go. "Mr. Frhowenfeld," said the other, "do you evva rhide?" "I used to ride," replied the apothecary, turning, hat in hand, and wondering what such a question could mean.

" Evva sinze de firze nighd w'en I big-in to nurze you wid de fivver." She was telling him, with that new, sweet boldness so wonderful to a lately accepted lover, how long she had loved him. Later on they parted at the porte-cochère. Honoré and Aurora had got there before them, and were passing on up the stairs.

An' you de bez man I evva know in my life, 'Sieur Grandissime!" Her hands shook. "A man w'at nevva wan' to gid marri'd wid noboddie in 'is life, and now trine to gid marri'd juz only to rip-ose de soul of 'is oncl' " M. Grandissime uttered an exclamation of protest, and she ceased. "I asked you," continued he, with low-toned emphasis, "for the single and only reason that I want you for my wife."