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"And now, missy, I expect you are called Baby?" "No, I aren't," replied Diana. "I is the gweat Diana; I has got a bow and arrow, and I'll shoot you if you is not kind." "Oh, lor'! Now, missy, you would not be so cruel as that?" "Yes, I would," replied Diana. "See this box in my hand? It's an awfu' pwecious box it has got spiders in it and two beetles. May I put the poor darlin's loose in my room?"

"She had her bow and her arrows; she was a gweat huntwess, and she shotted people. I don't mind copying her one little bit." Diana dried away her tears and looked fixedly at her sister. "Then you really mean to be good and brave, Di?" "Certain sure, Iris." "And you won't call Aunt Jane any more names?" "I won't call her names names don't si'nify, names don't kill people."

You are not allowed to do those sort of things in this country." "Yes, I are," answered Diana, "'cos I are the gweat Diana. You underland, don't you?" "I don't know that I do; but, anyhow, I have no time to stand talking now. Come along, and you can tell me afterwards. I have got such a nice supper plenty of strawberries and cream, plenty of milk and cake."

In Nagasaki, a little brown Jappy-chappie of great learning, who was a prince or something or other of that sort, which made it possible for Harvard to know him, asked in choppy English about "the gweat, the vely gweat anti-kwatties in y'or Souf Wes'." When young Harvard got it through his head that "anti-kwatties" meant antiquities, he rolled a cigarette and went out for a smoke; but it came back at him again in Egypt.

"Velly well," replies the boy.... "Vere was once a Daddy and a hobberell gweat Thnake always bovvered him and followed him about and wouldn't let him gone to thleep and made him be ill like he had eaten too much sweets, and the doctor came and gave him lotths of meddisnin.

I like you better when you are not quite so pretty, for you really were disgustingly conceited; weren't you now? You can't deny it." "Oh, Peggy Saville, and so were you! I saw that the first moment you came into the woom. You flared up like a Turkey cock if anyone dared to offend your dignity, and you were always widing about on your high horse, tossing your head, and using gweat long words."

"Let God and our gweat monarch judge me afterwards!" said Denisov going out, and Rostov heard the hoofs of several horses splashing through the mud. He did not even trouble to find out where Denisov had gone. Having got warm in his corner, he fell asleep and did not leave the hut till toward evening. Denisov had not yet returned.

Richling could but confess the whole thing was delicious. "Yo humble servan', seh," responded the smiling Creole, with a flattered bow. Then, assuming a gravity becoming the historian, he said: "In fact, 'tis a gweat mistake, that statement that Lawd By'on evva qua'led with his lady, Mistoo Itchlin. But I s'pose you know 'tis but a slandeh of the pwess. Yesseh.

"May I ask why, Miss Florence?" "Because Well, perhaps I had better not explain. It seems to give you pleasure. You would, probably, prefer to be an Englishman." "I admit that I have a great admiration for the English character. It's a gweat pity we have no lords in America. Now, if you would only allow me to bring my English fwiend here "I don't care to make any new acquaintances.

"We is pweparing to have our enemies shotted," answered Diana, in a calm, but sturdy, voice. "What's your name, gweat big woman?" "Mother Rodesia Lee," replied the woman, "and I'm fond of little children. I like to meet them in the wood. I often come into the wood, and when I see little strange children I love 'em at once.