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Then runs the Ilfing from the eastwards into Est-mere, on the banks of which is Truso. The Ilfing flows from Est-land into the Est-mere from the east, and the Wisle through Weonodland from the south. The Ilfing, having joined the Wisle, takes its name, and runs to the west of Estmere, and northward into the sea, where it is called Wisle-mouth .

After leaving Burgendaland, the islands of Becinga-eg, Meore, Eowland, and Gotland, were on the left, all of which belong to Sueon , and Weonodland was all the way on the right to the mouth of the Wisle . This is a very large river, and near it Witland , and Weonodland are situated; the former of which belongs to Estum, and the Wisle does not run through Weonodland, but through Estmere , which lake is fifteen miles broad.

Witland belongs to the people of Eastland; and out of Weonodland flows the river Weissel, which empties itself afterwards into Estmere. This lake, called Estmere, is about fifteen miles broad. These two rivers come out together into Estmere, the Ilfing east from Eastland, and the Weissel south from Weonodland.

"The Kynge of Spayn is a foul paynim, And lieveth on Mahound; And pity it were that lady fayre Should marry a heathen hound." Kyng Estmere. About six weeks after the duel, the miller at Stow had come up to the great house in much tribulation, to borrow the bloodhounds. Rose Salterne had vanished in the night, no man knew whither.