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*The oration consisted of several parts, each ending with a kind of burden of "Citoyens, la patri est en danger;" and the arrangers of the ceremony had not selected appropriate music: so that the band, who had been accustomed to play nothing else on public occasions, struck up ca ira at every declaration that the country was in danger!

Etiam intra fines Persiae, est terra, vbi sanctus Iob patiens morabatur, quae modo dicitur terra Sues, in cuius montanis inuenitur Manna, quod venditur in Apothecis. Hunc terrae Sues contiguatur Chaldaea, quae non est magna, quamuis nobilis regio habeatur. Et ab ista intratur Amazonia.

Our only answer every day will be, and the latest posterity will repeat the same: I believe in Jesus Christ, the only Son of the Father, who was conceived of the Holy Ghost, who was born of the Virgin Mary, who suffered death and passion under Pontius Pilate; Quipassus est sub Pontio Pilato.”

"I was in a very embarrassing position," he explained, "for I held both families in equal esteem. Fortunately the war came and settled matters. When I say fortunately, of course, you understand, Madame, what I mean. 'A quelquechose malheur est bon."

In either case, 'Sapere est princihium et fons'; but it is by no means all. That knowledge must be adorned, it must have lustre as well as weight, or it will be oftener taken, for lead than for gold. Knowledge you have, and will have: I am easy upon that article.

Ah! c'etait un bon chien, cet Andre Jackson, et il se serait fait un nom, s'il avait vecu, car il y avait de l'etoffe en lui, il avait du genie, je la sais, bien que de grandes occasions lui aient manque; mais il est impossible de supposer qu'un chien capable de se battre comme lui, certaines circonstances etant donnees, ait manque de talent.

Polanus, speaking of the sacramental elements, saith, Sanctificatio rei terrenae est actio ministri, qua destinat rem terrenam ad sanctum usum, ex mandato Dei, &c. The Professors of Leyden call only such things, persons, times and places holy, as are consecrated and dedicated to God and his worship, and that divina praescriptione.

And why not? we should have been just as wise. Or it might be stated that "The tenth legion charged the French infantry at Blenheim; and Caesar, writing home to his mamma, said, 'Madame, tout est perdu fors l'honneur."

Ever loving the picturesque, even in the most practical affairs of life, Henry "acted as pilot and wore a sailor's coat and trousers, made of cloth of gold, and a gold chain with the inscription, 'Dieu est mon droit, to which was suspended a whistle which he blew nearly as loud as a trumpet." A strange picture!

No, my dear sister, Heaven forbid it should ever be said of me that I value myself upon my face not but if I could believe men perhaps but I hate and despise men you know I do, my dear, and I wish you had despised them as much; but jacta est jalea, as the doctor says. You are to make the best of your fortune what fortune, I mean, my mamma may please to give you, for you know all is in her power.