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The news was at once announced to the crowds in the meeting-hall and in the square outside, who would listen to nothing but the word "republic," and saluted it with tremendous cheering. The Republic was established. Alea jacta, as Lamartine observed later.

And then he looked at his watch; and he looked at his watch every five minutes for the next hour. He was in deep reverie, when the servant announced that his carriage was ready. He started as from a dream, then pressed his hand to his eyes, and kept it there for some moments, and then, exclaiming, "Jacta est alea," he descended the stairs.

When shall I learn the soul of her? Well, jacta est alea. The events of to-night have precipitated our destiny. In all probability Hamdi is powerless to take her from my protection, and this marriage is unnecessary as a safeguard. I have no notion of the international law on such points but at any rate it will make the assurance of her safety absolute. No power on earth can take her from me.

The porter stopped him and accosted him roughly, and finally, upon his insisting, threatened to call the police. Just then Simoun came down, slightly pale, and the porter turned from Basilio to salute the jeweler as though he had been a saint passing. Basilio realized from the expression of Simoun's face that he was leaving the fated house forever, that the lamp was lighted. Alea jacta est!

No, my dear sister, Heaven forbid it should ever be said of me that I value myself upon my face not but if I could believe men perhaps but I hate and despise men you know I do, my dear, and I wish you had despised them as much; but jacta est jalea, as the doctor says. You are to make the best of your fortune what fortune, I mean, my mamma may please to give you, for you know all is in her power.

It is quite another thing with the Indian women for it being the custom there for the men to have many wives, and the best beloved of them to kill herself at her husband's decease, every one of them makes it the business of her whole life to obtain this privilege and gain this advantage over her companions; and the good offices they do their husbands aim at no other recompense but to be preferred in accompanying him in death: "Ubi mortifero jacta est fax ultima lecto, Uxorum fusis stat pia turba comis Et certamen habent lethi, quae viva sequatur Conjugium: pudor est non licuisse mori.

His Majesty, when you were named in the circle short while since, was heard to say, 'Jacta est alea! Glenvarlochides is turned dicer and drinker. My Lord Dalgarno took your part, and he was e'en borne down by the popular voice of the courtiers, who spoke of you as one who had betaken yourself to living a town life, and risking your baron's coronet amongst the flatcaps of the city."

This would be hard, but I could save between two and three hundred pounds by giving up town residence; and surely I could do enough with my time at reviews and other ways, so as to make myself comfortable at Abbotsford. At any rate, jacta est aha; Sir Robert Peel and the Advocate seem to acquiesce in the arrangement, and Sir Robert Dundas retires alongst with me.

I set off late, late autumn out of doors, the mist lies over the fields, the hoarfrost of old age covers the road before me, and the wind howls about the approaching grave.... But so forward, forward, on my new way 'Filled with purest love and fervour, Faith which my sweet dream did yield. Oh, my dreams. Farewell. Twenty years. Alea jacta est!" His face was wet with a sudden gush of tears.

No, my dear sister, Heaven forbid it should ever be said of me that I value myself upon my face not but if I could believe men perhaps but I hate and despise men you know I do, my dear, and I wish you had despised them as much; but jacta est jalea, as the doctor says. You are to make the best of your fortune what fortune, I mean, my mamma may please to give you, for you know all is in her power.