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But Erigena was generally denounced; he fell under the censure of the Pope, and was obliged to fly, taking refuge about the year 882 in England, it is said at Oxford, where there was probably a cathedral school, but not as yet a university, with its professors' chairs and scholastic honors. Others suppose that he died in Paris, 891.

Among the most distinguished are Kugler, Carriere, and Luebke. Biographers and historians of literature are numerous. English Literature. Its Divisions. 2. The Language. Celtic Literature. Irish, Scotch, and Cymric Celts; the Chronicles of Ireland; Ossian's Poems; Traditions of Arthur; the Triads; Tales. 2. Latin Literature, Bede; Alcuin; Erigena. 3. Anglo- Saxon Literature.

European ideas respecting the soul. It resembles the form of the body. Philosophical views of the Orientals. The Vedic theology and Buddhism assert the doctrine of emanation and absorption. It is advocated by Aristotle, who is followed by the Alexandrian school, and subsequently by the Jews and Arabians. It is found in the writings of Erigena.

In Germany and Gaul, their system blazed up in Virgilius, in Erigena, and Macarius, and then disappeared in the calmer, slower, but safer march of the Benedictine discipline. By a reform of the same ancient order, its last hold on native soil was loosened when, under the auspices of St. St.

Then arose such men as Erigena, Roscelin, Bérenger, Lanfranc, Anselm, Bernard, and others, all more or less orthodox, but inquiring and intellectual. It was within the walls of the cloister that the awakening began and the first impulse was given to learning and philosophy.

Remigius, wrote a commentary on Martianus Capella, a well-known musical text book. Towering above all his fellows, John Scotus Erigena, in 867, wrote a tract De Divisione Naturae, in which he expounds organum or discant, nearly a hundred years before the appearance of the Scholia Enchiriadis and the Musica Enchiriadis.

But in order to reach this goal man must find the way to the Logos who was made flesh. In Erigena this thought leads to another: that what is contained in the writings which give an account of the Logos leads, when received in faith, to salvation. Reason and the authority of the Scriptures, faith and knowledge stand on the same level.

II. Voyages of Ohthere to the White Sea and the Baltic, in the Ninth Century III. Remarks on the situation of Sciringes-heal and Haethum, by J. R. Forster IV. Voyage of Wulfstein in the Baltic, as related to King Alfred IV . Voyage of Sighelm to India, in the reign of Alfred, King of V. Travels of John Erigena to Athens, in the Ninth-Century

In that final absorption all remembrance of its past experiences is lost. The soul reverts to the condition in which it was before it animated the body. Necessarily, therefore, Erigena fell under the displeasure of the Church. It was in India that men first recognized the fact that force is indestructible and eternal.

His writings had first been generally made known to Christian Europe by the translation of Michael Scot in the beginning of the thirteenth century, but long before his time the literature of the West, like that of Asia, was full of these ideas. We have seen how broadly they were set forth by Erigena.