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I have not met with any notice of one of these MAN-LIKE APES of earlier date than that contained in Pigafetta's 'Description of the Kingdom of Congo, drawn up from the notes of a Portuguese sailor, Eduardo Lopez, and published in 1598.

About this time, before any attack by the Americans, Macias, captain-general of Porto Rico, discovered a conspiracy, which if it had not been quickly checked would have placed the island in a state of insurrection. Eduardo Baselge and Danian Castillo, both prominent Porto Ricans, were active leaders in the incipient insurrection.

Eduardo Lucas was so well known and popular that his violent and mysterious fate will arouse painful interest and intense sympathy in a widespread circle of friends. "Well, Watson, what do you make of this?" asked Holmes, after a long pause. "It is an amazing coincidence." "A coincidence!

DON PEDRO. Se lo parecería a usted quizá, Sr. D. Eduardo, porque como ella es tan afable ... quién sabe también si usted interpretaría.... DON EDUARDO. Eso es lo mismo que decirme que soy un fatuo, presuntuoso, que....

DON EDUARDO. No es que yo dude ... ¿ni cómo había de dudar ... cuando esta misma mañana ... allí ... delante de aquel cuadro de Atala moribunda, me prometió usted casarse conmigo y seguirme, aunque fuera al fin del mundo? sino que ... haciendo una hipótesis casi imposible, decía....

Proscrito D. Manuel Eduardo y confiscados sus bienes, salió de España, recorriendo diversas capitales europeas y deteniéndose algún tiempo en Londres, donde residían otros muchos emigrados españoles. As the ideas of the American and French Revolutions were permeating the Spanish colonies, so Napoleon, quite without intention, gave to Spain herself an impulse to national feeling.

Like myself, he displayed great excitement, but I judged from his expression that he entertained little hope of my father being still alive. "The truth is," said he, "Don Eduardo had made numerous powerful enemies both in public and private life; and as we all know, any stick is good enough to beat a dog with. Besides, he owned vast estates, and "

As good luck would have it, Eduardo, in his wanderings, had gone to a sort of agency there to inquire if we had been seen, and had found a letter for me, left by one of the two travellers who had preceded us.

He has shared responsibility with Eduardo Dato. Among Conservatives, the chief figure has long been Antonio Maura. He is not a young man. Politically, he represents very much what the cordially detested Weyler did in the military sphere. But Maurism today is a very different thing from the Maurism of fifteen years ago, or of the moat of Montjuich.

"Not THERE! Surely she wouldn't go to La Feria at such a time. Why, that country is ablaze. Americans are fleeing from Mexico." "I hadn't thought of that," Benito confessed. "But if she didn't go there, where did she go? Saints above! It is a fine condition of affairs when a wife keeps secrets from her husband, eh? I suppose Dolores feared I would tell Don Eduardo, God rest his soul!