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By dint of hard work he kept always about the middle of the class; once even he got a certificate in natural history. But at the end of his third year his parents withdrew him from the school to make him study medicine, convinced that he could even take his degree by himself. His mother chose a room for him on the fourth floor of a dyer's she knew, overlooking the Eau-de-Robec.

House, rue Percière, no 11. House, rue Bouvreuil, no 4. House, rue Etoupée, no 4. Houses, rue des Carmes, no 69 to 77. House, rue Caquerel, no 13. House, rue Damiette, no 29. Houses, rue Eau-de-Robec, no 186, 221, 223. Houses, rue Malpalu, no 90 and 92. Houses, rue du Change, no 2 to 8. Houses, rue du Bac, no 28 and 30. House, rue des Cordeliers, no 45.

On the 22nd of march 1560, the parliament issued an act, ordering all the tanners to remove their establishments to the Eau-de-Robec; but, they said that they required clear water to carry on their trade, and therefore, were allowed, by order of the king, to remain on the Renelle.

By dint of hard work he kept always about the middle of the class; once even he got a certificate in natural history. But at the end of his third year his parents withdrew him from the school to make him study medicine, convinced that he could even take his degree by himself. His mother chose a room for him on the fourth floor of a dyer's she knew, overlooking the Eau-de-Robec.