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Out of our small force engaged, 221 men were killed and wounded. It was computed that of the enemy more than 500 were killed, and probably twice that number wounded, the dead bodies lying thick together at every stage of our advance, but the wounded men in almost every instance were carried off by their comrades.

For the importance at this time attached to a reception at court, see Châteaubriand, "Mémoires d'Outre-tombe," i., p. 221. Joseph to Marie Antoinette, date September 9th, 1783. Marie Antoinette, Joseph II., and Leopold II., p.30, which, to save such a lengthened reference, will hereafter be referred to as "Arneth."

The low wages given will save the city much money directly, as well as saving it the care of the indigent. J.A. Hobson, The Problem of the Unemployed. Alden and Hayward, The Unemployable and the Unemployed. C. S. Loch, Methods of Social Advance, chap. IX. Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. 8, pp. 168, 453, 499. Review of Reviews, vol. 9, pp. 29, 179. Charities Review, vol. 3, pp. 221, 323.

221 The storm is like the cry of some god in pain whose love the earth refuses. 222 The world does not leak because death is not a crack. 223 Life has become richer by the love that has been lost. 224 My friend, your great heart shone with the sunrise of the East like the snowy summit of a lonely hill in the dawn. 225 The fountain of death makes the still water of life play.

Mémoires de Commynes, liv. vii. ch. xviii. The reader will find the weak points of Byzantine architecture shrewdly seized, and exquisitely sketched, in the opening chapter of the most delightful book of travels I ever opened, Curzon's "Monasteries of the Levant." Selvatico, "Architettura di Venezia," p. 147. Selvatico, p. 221. The older work is of Istrian stone also, but of different quality.

To make this matter still more clear, as it is a constant source of error not only to the foreigner but to the Germans themselves, the income of the empire for 1910 was $757,900,000, the income of all the states $1,463,150,000, or of the empire and the states combined $2,221,050,000.

At Noon we were about 3 Leagues from the land, the Westermost part of which that we could see bore South 79 degrees West; our Latitude by Observation was 8 degrees 19 minutes South, Longitude 221 degrees 44 minutes West. The Island, St. Thursday, 30th. Fresh breezes at South-East, East-South-East, and East by South.

The only Government-built railroad that across the Isthmus of Panama cost $221,052 per mile.

The situation of the state of Wu was much less favourable than that of Shu Han, though this second southern kingdom lasted from 221 to 280. Its country consisted of marshy, water-logged plains, or mountains with narrow valleys. Here Tai peoples had long cultivated their rice, while in the mountains Yao tribes lived by hunting and by simple agriculture.

Its population, however, surpasses that of France, amounting to 45,221,615. If the outlying dominions of Great Britain be added it becomes the greatest empire in the world's history, its colonial dominions being estimated at over 13,000,000 square miles, and the total population of kingdom and colonies at 435,000,000, the greatest population of any country in the world.