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She thinks then for a little because she sees him in kirk but that passes, too!" "Then what is it?" "I don't know. I don't know of anybody else. Maybe no outer thing has anything to do with it. Sometimes we just have drumlie, dreary seasons and we do not know why.... She loves the spring. Maybe when spring comes she'll be Elspeth once more!" "I hope so," said Greenlaw.

"For the boady of the saxt," pursued Kirstie, "wi' his head smashed like a hazel-nit, had been a' that nicht in the chairge o' Hermiston Water, and it dunting in on the stanes, and grunding it on the shallows, and flinging the deid thing heels-ower-hurdie at the Fa's o' Spango; and in the first o' the day, Tweed had got a hold o' him and carried him off like a wind, for it was uncoly swalled, and raced wi' him, bobbing under braesides, and was long playing with the creature in the drumlie lynns under the castle, and at the hinder end of all cuist him up on the sterling of Crossmichael brig.

'Twas mirk, mirk night, and the water bright Troubled and drumlie flowed which is evidently Lowland-Scotchy; or as: Foregad, but thou'rt an artful hand! which is English-stagey; or as: which is Anacreontic in the manner of Tom Moore.

"For the boady of the saxt," pursued Kirstie, "wi' his head smashed like a hazelnit, had been a' that nicht in the chairge o' Hermiston Water, and it dunting it on the stanes, and grunding it on the shallows, and flinging the deid thing heels-ower-hurdie at the Fa's o' Spango; and in the first o' the day, Tweed had got a hold o' him and carried him off like a wind, for it was uncoly swalled, and raced wi' him, bobbing under brae-sides, and was long playing with the creature in the drumlie lynns under the castle, and at the hinder end of all cuist him up on the starling of Crossmichael brig.

Fergusons came to dinner. Rees in great kindness and good-humour, but a little drumlie, I think, about Napoleon. We heard Sandie's violin after dinner " Whose touch harmonious can remove The pangs of guilty power and hopeless love." I do not understand or care about fine music; but there is something in his violin which goes to the very heart.

The mountains sent down to us unfailing supplies of the purest water; we wanted no schemes of irrigation, for "Green are our fields and fair our flowers, Our fountains never drumlie." We had no plagues of locust, no animal or insect pests to destroy our crops or herbage.

I wrote for several hours in the forenoon, but was nervous and drumlie; also I bothered myself about geography; in short, there was trouble, as miners say when the vein of metal is interrupted. Went out at two, and walked, thank God, better than in the winter, which gives me hopes that the failure of the unfortunate limb is only temporary, owing to severe weather.