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A prospect of a profitable realization having now presented itself, he had been offering them; and it was for one of these runs that the Fergusons were in treaty. Their approach to the station had been noticed from the house; and upon their arrival at the door, they were welcomed by Mr.

We breakfasted with the Fergusons, after which Anne and Miss Erskine walked up the Rhymer's Glen. I could as easily have made a pilgrimage to Rome with pease in my shoes unboiled. I drove home, and began to work about ten o'clock. At one o'clock I rode, and sent off what I had finished. Mr. Laidlaw dined with me. In the afternoon we wrote five or six pages more.

The Fergusons professed to think nothing of it, and begged their friends to take no heed of the circumstance, as it gave them, personally, no concern; being convinced that it could not have been the intention of Mr. Smithers' brother to have meditated any insult.

We read prayers, and afterwards walked round the terrace. I had also time to work hard on the additions to the Tales of a Grandfather, vols. 1 and 2. The day passed pleasantly over. December 30. The Fergusons came over, and we welcomed in the New Year with the usual forms of song and flagon.

Louder had surprised her daughter, her daughter repaid the surprise. "Well, if you feel that way, mother," said she, "I won't say a word; and I'll ask Mr. Lossing to explain to the Fergusons and fix everything. He will." "You're real good, Tilly." "And while you're gone I guess it will be a good plan to move and git settled " For some reason Tilly's throat felt dry, she lifted her cup.

They prefer their own set and their own ways, and are comfortably sure that what they do not know is not worth knowing, and what they have not been in the habit of doing is not worth doing; but still they are indulgent of the existence of human nature outside of their own circle. The Seymours and the Fergusons belonged to this sort of people; and, of course, Mr.

Anne objects to the mingling the goblinry, which is comic, with the serious, which is tragic. After all, I could greatly improve it, and it would not be a bad composition of that odd kind to some picnic receptacle of all things. April 27. This day must not be wasted. I breakfast with the Fergusons, and dine with the Brewsters.

Waterman wished so particularly to meet you." He did not look at her. The undisguised note of pain found an echo within him. And this was Mrs. Larrabbee! "I am sorry, but I must," he told her, and she may not have suspected the extent to which the firmness was feigned. "You have promised to make other visits? The Fergusons, they said they expected you."

They had lived and loved and married and accumulated vast wealth, and borne Gladys. After that they had sunk into the background and Gladys had taken the stage. "I'm sure I'm glad she is going to the Fergusons," exclaimed Kathleen. "One month less of her!" "Yes," Nancy replied, "but she'll be much worse, more spoiled, more vain, more luxurious than before. She'll want a gold chicken breast now.

Except the Fergusons', hers was the only house in the city with rooms large enough to dance in, and that ball is still the most dazzling I can remember. I wore a rose-colored tulle skirt with a peasant waist of rose-colored satin, and father, for a great surprise, had given me a pair of pink silk stockings.