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"The hows and whens of life" corrugate his features, and disharmonize his periods; contradiction sours, and passion ruffles him and, in short, an Englishman displeased, from whatever cause, is neither "un homme bien doux," nor "un homme bien aimable;" but such as nature has made him, subject to infirmities and sorrows, and unable to disguise the one, or appear indifferent to the other.

Sa jupe avait des trous, Elle aimait des voyous, Ils ont des yeux si doux. But one day a Russian prince had caught sight of her, and had built her a palace in the Champs Elysees; but the Russian prince and his palace bored her. The stopping of the carriage interrupted Octave's narrative.

The epicier solemnly unrolled the little slip of paper; the print was very small, and he longed to take out his spectacles, but he thought that would make him look old. However, he spelled through the motto with some difficulty: "Comme elle fait soumettre un coeur, En refusant son doux hommage, On peut traiter la coquette en vainqueur; De la beauty modeste on cherit l'esclavage."

"Tiens!" commented the affronted Marie, who adored Fou-Chou. "Et le cher petit chien de Madame est si doux!" Stanislass Boleski was poring over a voluminous bundle of papers when his wife, clad in a diaphanous wrap, came into his sitting room. They had a palatial suite at the Rhin.

Vous tient d'un doux sommeil encor les yeux silléee. Ça, ça, que je les baise, et votre beau tetin, Cent fois, pour vous apprendre

Viens avec ta couronne, et viens avec ta lyre, Tes chants pour nos amis, tes doux regards pour moi! Déj

Then he left Malbrouck, and it was: "Hier sur le pont d'Avignon J'ai oui chanter la belle Lon, la, J'ai oui chanter la belle Elle chantait d'un ton si doux Comme une demoiselle Lon, la, Comme une demoiselle."

Martin, in the dress of a conscript, sang six long couplets against the tyrants of the seas; of which I was only able to retain the following one: Je deteste le peuple anglais, Je deteste son ministere; J'aime l'Empereur des Francais, J'aime la paix, je hais la guerre; Mais puisqu'il faut la soutenir Contre une Nation Sauvage, Mon plus doux, mon plus grand desir Est de montrer tout mon courage.

"You're looking confoundedly glum, Perry; I hope the billet is quite sufficiently doux?" "Quite indeed, quite!" said I, starting out of my reverie. "It is a letter such as only Diana could have written " "Then your woe undoubtedly proceeds from stomach; for the emptiness of same I prescribe ham, shall we say mingled judiciously blended with beef " "Abhorrent thought!" I exclaimed.

Nanningia, take it not so to heart, my couzaine; thou shalt have love enough in the world.... Ah, grand doux d'la vie, but I could kill him!" she added under her breath, and she rubbed Guida's hands still, and looked frankly, generously into her eyes. Yet, try as she would in that supreme moment, Carterette could not feel all she once felt concerning Guida.