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All help us, then, to higher states; those who tranquilize us, and those who disharmonize us till we fain would withdraw to our soul's innermost for peace. We must look at life on the grandest scale, if we would find rest.

"I presume that those who disharmonize us, aid us to higher states, for they force us out in search of something better.

"The hows and whens of life" corrugate his features, and disharmonize his periods; contradiction sours, and passion ruffles him and, in short, an Englishman displeased, from whatever cause, is neither "un homme bien doux," nor "un homme bien aimable;" but such as nature has made him, subject to infirmities and sorrows, and unable to disguise the one, or appear indifferent to the other.

There are belles, pretty French belles, with just a tint of deceitless rouge for fashion's sake, and tinkling, crisp, low French voices modulated to chime with the music and not disharmonize it; nay, rather add to the sweetness of its concord. And there is the Creole dandy, the small master of the revels.

"The hows and whens of life" corrugate his features, and disharmonize his periods; contradiction sours, and passion ruffles him and, in short, an Englishman displeased, from whatever cause, is neither "un homme bien doux," nor "un homme bien aimable;" but such as nature has made him, subject to infirmities and sorrows, and unable to disguise the one, or appear indifferent to the other.