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In a trice, aw t' leets went out; thar wur a great rash to t' dooer; a whirrin sound i' th' air loike a covey o' partriches fleeing off; and then ey heerd nowt more; for a great stoan fell o' meh scoance, an' knockt me down senseless. When I cum' to, I wur i' Nick Demdike's cottage, wi' his woife watching ower me, and th' unbapteesed chilt i' her arms."

Whiniver the dooer was open he'd go an' luk out an' then come back an' meow an' wheen an' lay down an' so he kep' on, gittin' waker an' worser, till the snow wuz gone an' grass come up, an' still he'd go a-lukin' toward the ayst, especially nights. Then thayer come up a plant I had never sane, right thayer, an' he'd luk at it an' luk at it loike he wanted it but didn't dar to.

Thar was some foine trays out thayer in thim days afore the ould baste cut thim down, an' wan av thim hed a big limb, so an' another so an' when the moon come up full at jest the right time the shaddy made the sign av the crass an' loighted on me dooer, an' after it was past it didn't make no crass.

Their eyes were streaming with smoke-tears and their discomfiture was complete. "'Pears to me," observed Sam, "like we got them holes mixed. The dooer should 'a 'been at the top, sence the smoke has a fancy for usin' it, an' then we'd had a chance." "The Indians make it work," said Yan; "a White hunter ought to know how." "Now's the Injun's chance," said Sam.

Ye next week she saw as she sd a woman stand in ye house having on a silk hood & a blew apron, after that in ye evening being well composd going out of dooers run in again & caught her master abought ye middle, he askd her ye reason, she sd yt she meet an olde woman at ye dooer, with 2 firebrands in her forehead, he askd her what kinde of clooths she had on, answered she had two homespun coats, one tuct up rounde her ye other down.

You are the arme oth' war, the Soldiers sperit; The other but dead stories, you the dooer. Col. It stands not with the honour you have won, Sir, Still built upon and betterd. Or. No more, good Collonell. Col. The love the Soldier beares you to give way thus!

"Maybe it wants a dooer to close, then the smoke would have to go out." They tried this, and of course some of the smoke was crowded out, but not till long after the boys were. "Seems like what does get out by the chinks is sucked back agin by that there double-action flue," said Sam. It was very disappointing.

"'Sorra a wurrud, sez Oi, 'an' good frinds we'll be yit, an' they wuz makin' fur the dooer to clayer out whin I sez: "'Howld on!

Next thing ye know some one'll slam the dooer, not knowin' a thing, and fire up, an' it's roastin' aloive ye'll be. Shure an' it's tempted Oi am to wring yer purty neck to save yer loife," and she drove him out with the harshest of words and the gentlest of hands. Then Yan, with his arms full of labelled plants, set out for home. "Good-boi, choild, come back agin and say me soon.

"'Faith, an' if it wuz twenty-five cints Oi couldn't help it, sez Oi, 'an' it's ready to die Oi am, sez Oi, 'fur Oi was confessed last wake an' Oi'm a-sayin' me prayers this minit. "Sez the littlest wan, an' he wa'n't so little, nigh as br'ad as that dooer, 'Hevn't ye sold yer cow?