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Pressing against it, the slab moved on one side, and disclosed a flight of steps. "Go up there," cried Nance to the squire, "and when ye get to th' top, yo'n find another stoan, wi' a nob in it. Yo canna miss it. Go on." "But you!" cried the squire. "Will you not come with us?" "Ey'n come presently," replied Nance, with a strange smile. "Ey ha summat to do first.

That liquour brought me to my speech againe. The night being come they made me come downe all naked as I was, & brought to a strang Cottage. I wished heartily it had ben that of my parents. Being come, they tyed me to a poast, where I stayed a full houre without the least molestation. A woman came there with her boy, inticed him to cutt off one of my fingers with a flint stoan.

"Yeigh, so it dun, mester," observed old Mitton. "It does not appear to have been disturbed, at all events," said Nicholas, dismounting and examining it. "It would seem not," said Nowell "and yet it certainly is not in its old place." "Yo are mistaen, mester," observed Jem Device; "ey knoa th' lond weel, an this stoan has stood where it does fo' t' last twenty year. Ha'n't it, neeburs?"

'Theyer, Enoch, thaa sees what thi tootling on th' owd flute's done for thee, said the old woman, in her surprise and chagrin. 'Thaa cornd be too careful haa thaa talks. Thaa sees trees hes yers as weel as stoan walls. 'Ne'er mind, Mr. Penrose; I were nobbud hevin' her on a bit.

"If ey might be so bowd os offer my advice, squoire," said old Crouch, advancing towards his master, "ey'd tee a heavy stoan round the felly's throttle, an chuck him into t' poo', an' he'n tell no teles fo' all his bragging."

Ey'n join ye os soon os ey con scrush this varment's heaod agen a stoan. Ha!" he added, joyfully, "Ey'n found t' thwittle. Go go. Ey'n soon be efter ye."

In a trice, aw t' leets went out; thar wur a great rash to t' dooer; a whirrin sound i' th' air loike a covey o' partriches fleeing off; and then ey heerd nowt more; for a great stoan fell o' meh scoance, an' knockt me down senseless. When I cum' to, I wur i' Nick Demdike's cottage, wi' his woife watching ower me, and th' unbapteesed chilt i' her arms."