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Monsieur kept insisting on his sagacity: how he knew all the children at school by name; and when this utterly failed on trial, how he was cautious and exact to a strange degree, and, if asked anything, he would sit and think and think, and if he did not know it, "my faith, he wouldn't tell you at all ma foi, il ne vous le dira pas": which is certainly a very high degree of caution.

But Madame de Boufflers, who, from his Majesty's age, cannot occupy all the places in the palace that her mother filled, indemnifies herself with his Majesty's Chancellor. One day the lively old monarch said, "Regardez, quel joli petit pied, et la belle jambe! Mon Chancellier vous dira le reste."

In the last place, for the dira, or flying pest which, flapping on the shield of Turnus and fluttering about his head, disheartened him in the duel, and presaged to him his approaching death I might have placed it more properly amongst the objections, for the critics who lay want of courage to the charge of Virgil's hero quote this passage as a main proof of their assertion.

On me dira peut-être que rester ainsi en présence et sur la défensive vis-

In a few minutes he will be numbered with the dead. Life ought, if possible, to be preserved, be the expense ever so great. Should the part affected admit of it, let a ligature be tied tight round the wound, and have immediate recourse to the knife:— “Continuo, culpam ferro compesce priusquam, Dira per infaustum serpant contagia corpus.” And now, kind reader, it is time to bid thee farewell.

She mused silently, while the little girl with the bare legs continued to croon to her doll with a kind of chant: "Dors, mon enfant, dors.... Ta mère ne reviendra plus ce soir.... Elle dîne avec le beau monsieur que tu as vu.... Elle te dira bonne nuit demain.... Dors; sois sage et dors"

I hardly know an instance in poetry of so great an effect produced by means so simple. There is something irresistibly pathetic in the lines "Qualis erat populi facies, clamorque faventum Olim cum juvenis " and something unspeakably solemn in the sudden turn which follows "Crastina dira quies " There are two passages in Lucan which surpass in eloquence anything that I know in the Latin language.

«On ne dira donc plus que les granits veinés, le gneiss et les autres roches de ce genre, ne sont que les débris des granits rassemblés et agglutinés au pied des hautes montagnes, puisque voil

"Hippocrate dira ce que lui plaira," says the girl in Moliere; "mais le cocher est mort." Mr Mill may say what he pleases; but the English constitution is still alive. That since the Revolution the Parliament has possessed great power in the State, is what nobody will dispute. The King, on the other hand, can create new peers, and can dissolve Parliaments.

How could he fasten a blow or make a thrust, when he was not suffered to approach? Besides, the chief errand of the Dira was to warn Juturna from the field, for she could have brought the chariot again when she saw her brother worsted in the duel.