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He is 'assiduous' who sits close to his work; he is 'attentive, who, being taught, stretches out his neck that so he may not lose a word. 'Diligence' too has its lesson. Derived from 'diligo, to love, it reminds us that the secret of true industry in our work is love of that work.

SECTION LXXVIII. Fifth side. Only a scroll is left; but, from the copy, we find it has been Honesty or Truth. Inscribed "HONESTATEM DILIGO." It is very curious, that among all the Christian systems of the virtues which we have examined, we should find this one in Venice only. The Truth of Spenser, Una, is, after Chastity, the most exquisite character in the "Faerie Queen."

And first, how much Mecaenas loved him may be seen by the epigram in which he says: Ni te visceribus meis, Horati, Plus jam diligo, Titium sodalem, Ginno tu videas strigosiorem. But it was more strongly exhibited by Augustus, in a short sentence uttered in his last moments: "Be as mindful of Horatius Flaccus as you are of me!"

The words ego and modo, which from their frequent use are often shortened in the comedians, are generally long in Ennius; Lucretius uses them as common, but retains homo, which after him does not appear. Pulsus ego? aut; Graius homo, infectos. A line by Maecenas, quoted in Suetonius, has diligo. In Statius no new licenses appear. Juvenal gives also sumito, octo, ergo.