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Diaetetica, p. 64. SPEEDWELL. Veronica spicata. This is used by our common people as a substitute for tea, and is said to possess a somewhat astringent taste, like green tea. SPOTTED HAWKWEED. Hypochaeris maculata. The leaves are eaten as salad, and are also boiled. STINGING-NETTLE. Urtica dioica.

Bryant in his Flora Diaetetica says that the bottoms of the flowers are eaten as artichokes. COW-PARSNEP. Heracleum Sphondylium. The inhabitants of Kamschatka about the beginning of July collect the foot-stalks of the radical leaves of this plant, and, after peeling off the rind, dry them separately in the sun; and then tying them in bundles, they lay them up carefully in the shade.

Thus Briant, in his Flora Diaetetica, enumerates fourteen varieties, a few only of which bear the same name as those now in the list of the London seedsmen. POMPION. Cucurbita Pepo. This is of the gourd species, and grows to a large size. It is not much in use with us: but in the south of Europe the inhabitants use the pulp with some acid fruits for pastry, and it is there very useful.

Bryant in his Flora Diaetetica says that many people eat the tenders talks of this plant boiled as asparagus. BURNET. Sanguisorba officinalis. The young leaves form a good ingredient in salads. They have somewhat the flavour of cucumbers. BUTTERWORT. Pinguicula vulgaris.