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Lequinio is a philosopher by profession, who has endeavoured to enlighten his countrymen by a publication entitled "Les Prejuges Detruits," and since by proving it advantageous to make no prisoners of war. The ninety Nantais, against whom there existed no serious charge, and who had already suffered more than death, were acquitted. Yet, how are these delinquents to be brought to condemnation?

The mode of life observed by the Carthusians, supposes in them either a very limited mind, or the most noble and continued elevation of religious sentiments; this succession of days without any variety of event, reminds us of that celebrated line: Sur les mondes détruits le Temple dort immobile. The Temple sleeps motionless on the ruins of worlds.

Lequinio is a philosopher by profession, who has endeavoured to enlighten his countrymen by a publication entitled "Les Prejuges Detruits," and since by proving it advantageous to make no prisoners of war. The ninety Nantais, against whom there existed no serious charge, and who had already suffered more than death, were acquitted. Yet, how are these delinquents to be brought to condemnation?

"Ces rocs auroient-ils été détruits, ou bien ce spath n'est il que le produit d'une sécrétion des parties calcaires que l'on fait êtres dispersées entre les divers élémens du granit?"