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«La plus profonde tranchée de ce pays est, sans contredit, celle ou coule la Meuse, qui, malgré la dureté des roches d'ardoise et de quartz au travers desquelles elle passe, a coupé le terrain depuis Charleville jusqu'â Givet,

Very delicately, with a curious human clarity of sound, the violin of M. Cartel executed the first notes of Louise's declaration in the duet with Julian 'Depuis le jour je me suis donnée! One caught the whole intention of the composer in the few crystal notes one figured the whole scene the little house of love, the lovers in their Garden of Eden, and below Paris symbolic Paris!

Depuis onze mois que nous sommes partis en guerre, A tous les militaires, On a décidé de plaire. Aussi depuis ce temps l

"This way, this way!" said the girl, with the same artificial smile, and the princess found herself in the hall facing an elderly woman of Oriental type, who came rapidly to meet her with a look of emotion. This was the countess. She embraced Princess Mary and kissed her. "Mon enfant!" she muttered, "je vous aime et vous connais depuis longtemps." * * "My child!

[Footnote E: Histoire de la Littérature Française, depuis ses Origines jusqu'

The old man's eyes kindled "Depuis toujours!" he said "I knew it would come, but I was afraid it mightn't come till I was dead, so I used to say to my son: 'If I am dead, and the French come back, you will go to the cemetery, you will knock three times on my grave I shall hear! And my son promised."

He spread out his hands in mournful protest. Mais Monsieur Pierre had not required his services depuis longtemps. He was become very independent. But yes, he was engaged upon war work. In the Army? But yes again. Did not Madame know?

The figures they had seen were the half-consumed bodies of women, still bound to the stakes where they had been tortured. Il y en avoit encore dans des chaudieres qu'ils avoient laissees pleines sur les feux, qui depuis s'etoient eteints," etc., etc. The men, it seemed, had fled, and left them to their fate.

Est-ce l'effet de l'age? mais je suis de plus en plus anxieux sur l'avenir de mon pays et meme de l'Europe. Nous sommes dans le faux depuis 1848, et il est sorti de la guerre de '70 un etat de choses bien perilleux. Au revoir et mille amities. The diary and the correspondence for the rest of the year are singularly barren of interest.

In Russia, where there are no laws affecting the hours of adult labor, the normal working-day in industrial establishments averages twelve hours, though it is often extended to fourteen and even sixteen." FOOTNOTES: Histoire des Classes Ouvriers en France depuis 1789 jusqu'