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"Dem white folks up thah never would let me in jail at all," said he, complainingly. "When I got thah, de jailah man and his wife wuz right sick, and dey warn't no one to take care o' things. I ain't bad at nussin' folks, so I jest turned in an' nussed dat jailah man an' his folks fer 'bout six weeks. I soht o' run dat jail, up dah, fer a while, myself.

"Five hundred dollars in gol'!" Ben gasped. Sam drew the shining yellow eagles from the bag in his pocket and jingled them before the old man's eyes. "Dar it is." Ben touched it reverently. "Praise God fer de good folks He give us." "I'se er proud nigger, I is. I'se sorry fur dem dat b'longs to po' folks." Ben looked at him benignly. "Don't you be too proud, boy. You'se powerful young and foolish.

S.-S. Are there any means of making a great man Of a sausage-selling fellow such as I? DEM. The very means you have, must make ye so, Low breeding, vulgar birth, and impudence, These, these must make ye, what you're meant to be. S.-S. I can't imagine that I'm good for much. DEM. Alas! But why do ye say so? What's the meaning Of these misgivings?

"O you sweet speciment!" retorted Mosey, as he picked up his second yoke. "Somethin' like you Stan' over, Rodney, or I'll twist the tail off o' you You don't ketch me havin' nothin' wrong o' me when things is" "No, begad! no you don't! take that! ah! would you indeed! on you go, dem you! s-s-s-s-s! get up there!"

Then I'll con you from here. You see three trees growing on that island bang ahead? Keep her on those." He turned to a couple of stalwart niggers at his side "Say, you boys, you lib for top, one-time. You take dem Doctor's gin-bottle, and you throw him overboard, one-time. If dem Doctor he make palaver, you throw him overboard too. Away with you now.

"She was at my house yesterday, trying to comfort me, when I was telling her how these Secesh used to cruelize us." "I was telling her about my poor daughter Amy, and what a sprightly, pert piece she was, and how dem awful Secesh took my poor chile and hung'd her." "Hung'd? Aunt Susan, Oh how was dat?" said half a dozen voices. "Well, you see it was jist dis way.

Goethe’s criticism of the second volume, already alluded to, is found in the Frankfurter Gelehrte Anzeigen in the issue of March 3, 1772. The nature of the review is familiar: Goethe calls the book a thistle which he has found on Yorick’s grave. “Alles,” he says, “hat es dem guten Yorick geraubt, Speer, Helm und Lanze, nur Schade! inwendig steckt der Herr Präceptor S. zu Magdeburg .

In his eagerness to watch he leaned a good distance out, and when the preacher reached forth his hand to take the last one Belton was so overcome that he lost his balance and tumbled out of his hole on the floor, kicking, and crying over and over again: "I knowed I wuzunt goin' to git naren dem biscuits."

Some of dem didn't know when deh were free till long time after de Wah. "When I were free, one mornin I seed the mistress and she ask me would I stay with her a couple years. I say, 'No I gonna find mah people an go dere. "Anyway, she had a young mister, a son, an he was mean to de slaves. I nebber lak him. "Once I was sent to mah missys' brother for a time but I wouldn' stay dere: he too rough.

"It's cut an' come again in dem regins," muttered the negro steward, also seizing an axe, and attacking the base of the obelisk. A sudden cry of alarm from the whole party caused him to desist and look up.