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"Endlich darf das Herz sich regen, Sich die Zunge frei bewegen, Alle Fesseln sind eutzwei. Ach, da Alles schier zerstoben, Kam der Retterarm from oben, Neugeboren sind wir, fred!" "Tag der Freiheit, Tag der Wonne! Bruder, seht! es tanzt die Sonne, Wie am ersten Ostertag! Todte sprengen ihre Grufte, Und durch Berg und Thai und Klufte Hallt ein freudig Jauchzen nach!"

"I'll admit that darfhulva is the Martian word for history as a subject of study; I'll admit that hulva is the general word and darf modifies it and tells us which subject is meant. But as for assigning specific meanings, we can't do that because we don't know just how the Martians thought, scientifically or otherwise."

I felt that some one was beside me, but I didn't see who it was, till I heard a man's voice say: 'SCHONE SACHEN, FRAULEIN, WAS? Of course, I took no notice; but I didn't run away, as if I were afraid of him. I went on looking into the window, till he said: 'DARF ICH IHNEN ETWASS KAUFEN?'and more nonsense of the same kind. Then I thought it was time to go.

Then, the host was bowing to a short, energetic-looking man with large moustaches, and saying in a low voice: 'Herr Professor, darf ich vorstellen-' The Herr Professor was prompt and energetic. He bowed low to the English people, smiling, and began to be a comrade at once.

"Alone, I suppose that hulva means something like science or knowledge, or study; combined, it would be equivalent to our 'ology. And darf would mean something like past, or old times, or human events, or chronicles." "That gives you three words, Martha!" Sachiko jubilated. "You did it." "Let's don't go too fast," Lattimer said, for once not derisively.

The Professor, not discouraged, repeated: "Sir, bitte darf ich, may I be permitted?" And Brown’s eyes flashed back a lightning shaft of inquiry. Then, carelessly smiling, he passed the Ross rifle over to the Herr Professor; and, at the same time, drew toward him that gentleman’s silver-mounted weapon, and carelessly cocked it.

At first sight anyone could see that she was the spoiled child of the family, to whom everything was allowed. She tried everything, took a double portion of everything and only after taking what she required did she ask "darf ich?" and I understood immediately from the tone of her voice and the nodding of her head, that she meant to ask "if she might."

Thus, while asserting that "all manner of pulpits are as good as broken and abolished," he clings to the old Ecclefechan days. "To the last," says Mr. Froude, "he believed as strongly as ever Hebrew prophet did in spiritual religion;" but if we ask the nature of the God on whom all relies, he cannot answer even with the Apostles' Creed. Is He One or Three? "Wer darf ihn nennen."

Tholuck gives another weighty reason why ministers should know the best literature: In einer Zeit wo Shakespeare eine stärkere Autorität für Viele ist als Paulus, und ein Distichon Goethes eine kräftigere Belegstelle als der ganze Römer-und Galaterbrief, darf der Geistliche, welcher auf seine Gemeinde würken will, mit ihren Gewährsmänern nicht unbekannt seyn.

And, as a sentimental argument against it, we were told by the Humanitarian Leaguers that it is 'obscene. This is just what might be expected, and bears out the foregoing remarks. But such saintly simplicity reminds us of the kind of squeamishness of which our old acquaintance Mephisto observes: Man darf das nicht vor keuschen Ohren nennen, Was keusche Herzen nicht entbehren konnen.