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By the treaty of Miramar, the services of the legion were insured to Maximilian for six years; but what did Napoleon then care for treaties! General Castelnau made one more personal effort to save the situation. Accompanied by M. Dano* and the Comte de St. Sauveur, he started on December 20 for Puebla, where Maximilian was the guest of the archbishop of the diocese.

I tried to ascertain if there were any prefixes, as in the South African dialects, by which one might determine the difference between the people and the country; but I was assured that both here and in the adjacent countries these people saw Chopi, Kidi, Gani, Madi, Bari, alike for person and place, though Jo in their language is the equivalent for Wa in South Africa, and Dano takes the place of Mtu.

Claruisse fertur anno nati Seruatoris, 1020 sub Canuto Dano. The same in English. And amonst all other things, he had an incredible desire to see those places with his eyes, wherein Christ our Sauiour performed and wrought all the mysteries of our redemption, the names of which places he onely knew before by the reading of the Scriptures.

* Convention of Mexico, signed July 30, 1866, by M. Dano and Don Luis de Arroyo. But he was a weak man; the Empress clung to her crown; the great state officials were interested in retaining their offices; he was surrounded by evil or interested councilors; and instead of standing up firmly in his false ally's path, he allowed him to brush past and to disregard him.

* A strong feeling existed against M. Dano, the French minister, who was openly accused of selfishness in his policy. He had married a young Mexican woman, whose rich dowry was derived from the mines of Real del Monte, and it was urged by the Imperialists that his weight was cast in the scales on the side of the Juarists, with a view to safeguarding his Mexican interests.

El mayor peligro que existe para la sociedad es el hombre instruído que sólo piensa en mismo, porque su instrucción misma le da mayor poder para hacer daño y sacrificar a todos a su conveniencia, o su ambición personal. El verdadero objeto de la educación es el servicio al público, el de aplicar los conocimientos que no adquiere, al bien y mejoramiento de la sociedad en que vive.