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Plate CXLVIII, a, shows the spiral ornament worn down to its lowest terms, with no hint of the feather appendage, but its likeness in outline to those designs where the feather occurs leads me to introduce it in connection with those in which the feather is more prominent. On this design there is likewise a figure of the dragon-fly and several unknown emblems. Its signification is unknown to me.

Many of these are shown in plates CXLVIII to CLVII, inclusive, and in studying them I have found it very difficult to interpret the symbolism, although the figures of feathers are easy to find in many of them. While my attempt at decipherment is not regarded as final, it is hoped that it may at least reveal the important place which the feather plays in Tusayan ceramic decoration.

'Then, at 11 A.M., how we chanted Psalms ii, cxiii, cxiv, and Hymn, and the old Easter Hallelujah hymn to the old tune with Mota words. Then at 7 P.M. Psalms cxviii, cxlviii, to joyful chants, and singing Easter and other hymns. 'So yesterday and so to-day. The short Communion Service in the morning with hymn, and in the evening we chant Psalm cxviii, and sing out our Easter hymn.

Evidently they are believed to have some therapeutic virtue, but no statement could be obtained to substantiate this opinion. As is shown by Pls. CXLVIII and CXLIX, the tattoo of both Banawi men and women seems to spring from a different form than does the Bontoc tattoo. It appears to be a leaf, or a fern frond, but I know nothing of its origin or meaning.

Plauchut would not be able to go to you. He was invited to the prince's. A word if it is NO. Nothing if it is yes. So I don't want you to write to me. I saw Tourgueneff and I told him all that I think of him. He was as surprised as a child. We spoke ill of you. Wednesday evening. CXLVIII. TO GUSTAVE FLAUBERT The 5th or the 6th February, 1870

Accept, yourself, assurances of the esteem with which I am, Dear Sir, your friend and servant, Th: Jefferson. P.S. What is become of the Lunarium for the King? LETTER CXLVIII. TO GENERAL WASHINGTON, January 4, 1786 Paris, January 4, 1786. Dear Sir, I have been honored with your letter of September the 26th, which was delivered me by Mr. Houdon, who is safely returned.

At the bidding of witches they cause disease, or they hound on the tiger to catch men. But they are by no means always malevolent and are capable of gratitude. The Kisar Bonga or Brownie who takes up his abode in a house steals food for the master of the house, and unless offended will cause him to grow rich. CXLVIII. Marriage with Bongas.