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"And turned himself out of his only shelter to give me a roof and covering," she continued mechanically, struggling with the new and horrible fancy that his words awakened. "And thlept every night at Indian Thpring to save your reputation," said Curson. "Of courthe." Teresa turned very white. Curson was prepared for an outburst of fury perhaps even another attack.

"Of courthe. It wathn't mine, my boy. I'd have thent you a Tharp'th rifle in plathe of that muthle loader you carry, or thomething thenthible. But, I thay! what'th up? You look ath if you had been running all night." Low grasped his hand. "Thank you," he said hurriedly; "but it's nothing. Only I must be back to the woods early. Good-by." But Curson retained Low's hand in his own powerful grip.

"An ice box, Miss Elting. How are we to keep our food without an ice box?" "But, my dear, what would be the good of an ice box without ice?" "That's so. I hadn't thought of that. Where would we get our ice?" "That ith eathy," piped Tommy. "Get your ithe out of the lake, of courthe. I never did thee thuch thtupid people. Did you thuppothe they got ithe on land? That it grew in the fieldth?"

"Of courthe. It wathn't mine, my boy. I'd have thent you a Tharp'th rifle in plathe of that muthle loader you carry, or thomething thenthible. But, I thay! what'th up? You look ath if you had been running all night." Low grasped his hand. "Thank you," he said hurriedly; "but it's nothing. Only I must be back to the woods early. Good-by." But Curson retained Low's hand in his own powerful grip.

"I don't mean the melodies, but Johnny has arranged some good business." "He always does," said the Southern girl. "Some more buckwheat cakes, please. But what about the book?" "I never listen to the book." The Cherub laughed. "You're too good to yourself! I listened to it right along and take it from me it's sad! Of courthe they'll have it fixed. We can't open in New York like this.

It's just sea shore, that's all." Tommy chuckled and nodded to herself as she increased her pace and joined her party. "When we get to camp I'm going to take a bath in the thea," she announced carelessly. Miss Elting regarded her sharply. "Camp? Sea?" questioned the guardian. "Yeth. I thaid 'camp' and 'thea." "Where do you think you are going, Grace?" "Why, to the thea thhore of courthe.

"What did he say?" "What did he thay! talked about the Jewth: what a grand rathe they were how people mithjudged them: all that thort of rot. "Thaid thome of the motht honorable men he had ever met had been Jewth. Thought I wath one of 'em!" "Well, did you get anything out of him?" "Get anything out of him. Of courthe not.

"I am surprised at your flippancy. I really believe you enjoyed our fright." "Yeth. Didn't you hear me laugh when I wath down there?" "I wouldn't say such things if I had made as much trouble as Tommy has," declared Margery. "Of courthe you wouldn't," agreed Tommy. "You haven't a thenthe of humor." "Some people have no sense at all," flung back Buster.

And you remember Emma Gordon, my dear, ath wath a'motht a mother to you? Of courthe you do; I needn't athk. Well! Emma, thee lotht her huthband.

Then he would nib his unshaven chin he was always unshaven most miraculously and yet never bearded with a flattened hand, and look at Mr. Bensington with one eye, and over him with the other, and say, "Oo, of courthe, Thir if you're theriouth!" But at last success dawned. And its herald was a letter in the long slender handwriting of Mr. Skinner. "The new Brood are out," wrote Mr.