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We Were looking for Lonesome Cove." "Which we found," chuckled Harriet. "We've had the most awful time, and Harriet got drowned," put in Margery Brown. "Drowned?" "Yeth, thhe did," nodded Tommy eagerly. "And we had thuch a time undrowning her! Thhe thwallowed a whole ithe pond of water." Miss Elting here explained to the Chief Guardian what had happened. Mrs. Livingston was amazed.

"An ice box, Miss Elting. How are we to keep our food without an ice box?" "But, my dear, what would be the good of an ice box without ice?" "That's so. I hadn't thought of that. Where would we get our ice?" "That ith eathy," piped Tommy. "Get your ithe out of the lake, of courthe. I never did thee thuch thtupid people. Did you thuppothe they got ithe on land? That it grew in the fieldth?"

But a sanguinary struggle for the Rhine frontier, between two civilized Christian nations who have each enough work to do in ithe world without engaging in such a strife as this, will, I am sure, be by and by condemned by the general opinion of mankind.

Esmond could hear him coaxing and speaking in that maudlin manner, which punch and claret produce, to his beloved Prue, and beseeching her to remember that there was a distiwisht officer ithe rex roob, who would overhear her. She went on, nevertheless, calling him a drunken wretch, and was only interrupted in her harangues by the Captain's snoring.