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And after they tole how he had up and sassed pop, and him a directer yet! And Nathaniel he tole how Absalom had heard off the Doc how Teacher he was a' UNbeliever and says musin' is the same to him as prayin'! Now think! Such conwictions as them!

Now, a public officer to inwestigate such matters would mend things to some extent, though 'e mightn't exactly cure 'em. Some time ago the Yankees, I'm told, appointed a officer they called a fire-marshal in some of their cities, and it's said that the consikence was a sudden an' extraor'nary increase in the conwictions for arson, followed by a remarkable decrease in the number o' fires!

Tillie saw, in the teacher's hesitation, that he did not understand the question. "My 'Persuasion'? Oh! I see. You mean my Church?" "Yes, what's your conwictions?" He considered a moment. Tillie hung breathlessly upon his answer. She knew how much depended upon it with this Board of "plain" people.

"And," he added, a reflection in his tone of his father's suspicious attitude on Saturday night toward Fairchilds, "pop sayed HE couldn't make out what was his conwictions. He couldn't even tell right was he a Bible Christian or no." "He certainly does, now, have pecooliar views," agreed the doctor. "I was talkin' to him this after " "You WAS!" exclaimed Amanda, a note of chagrin in her voice.