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They supped off it the game night, and long Tom Skinclip, who owned an over strong appetite, had a bad fit of indisgestion in consikence." Once more we beg our reader to accompany us to sea out into the thick darkness, over the wild waves, far from the abodes of man. There, one night in December, a powerful steamer did battle with a tempest.

In consikence o' which that la-di-da of an Attendance Officer, that thinks all the maids be after him an' looks sideways into every shop window he passes for a sight of his own image and if it rids us of a fella like that, I'm all for Conscription got me summonsed before the Tregarrick bench an' fined another half-crown, with five shillin' costs.

"Well, you may be right after all," returned the Moor slowly. "I will go and see this father. At all events it can do no harm." "None whateber, massa. An' I better run back and send Ali arter you." "Why? What has he to do with it?" "Oh! I only t'ought dat you was huntin' togidder. It's ob no consikence.

As the law now stands, there is no public authority to inwestigate the cause o' fires in London; well, wot's the consikence, w'y, that there are regular gangs of scoundrels who make it their business to arrange fires for their own adwantage."

"The kings o' the earth rise up together, sir," answered Un' Benny very deliberately; "an' by consikence the little fishes take hidin'. 'Tis a poor look-out for our callin' a wisht poor job altogether! Fishers and apostles always stood in together, an' War's the ruination o' both. What with the Gospel gone scat, an' no dividends this side o' Christmas "

Nothin' more nat'ral than that you should fall in love with her and get spliced. Well, wot then? why, your mother is her aunt by vartue of her marriage with her uncle, and so your mother is your aunt in consikence of your marriage with the niece d'ye see?" Bill laughed, and said he didn't quite see it, but he was willing to take it on credit, as he was not in a humour for discussion just then.

"There's the Slogger, now, he won't go into the 'ome on no consideration; says he wouldn't give a empty sugar-barrel for all the 'omes in London. But then the Slogger's a lazy muff. He don't want to work that's about it. He'd sooner starve than work. By consikence he steals, more or less, an finds a 'ome in the `stone jug' pretty frequent.

Now, a public officer to inwestigate such matters would mend things to some extent, though 'e mightn't exactly cure 'em. Some time ago the Yankees, I'm told, appointed a officer they called a fire-marshal in some of their cities, and it's said that the consikence was a sudden an' extraor'nary increase in the conwictions for arson, followed by a remarkable decrease in the number o' fires!

I was drivin' the Lightenin' at the time that's the name o' my engine, ma'am, an' they calls me Jack Blazes in consikence well, I'd bin courtin' Molly, off-an'-on, for about three months. She b'longed to Pinchley station, you must know, where we used to stop to give her a drink " "What! to give Molly a drink?" "No, ma'am," replied John, with a slight smile, "to give the ingine a drink.

"You see, the doctor's wife she's summat timmersome, an' looks arter the lockin' up every night herself wery partikler. Then she 'as all the keys up into her own bedroom o' nights so, you see, in consikence of her uncommon care, she keeps all the locks clear for you and me to work upon!"