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"Je ne connais pas personnellement M. Heger, mais je sais qu'il est peu de caracteres aussi nobles, aussi admirables que le sien. Il est un des membres les plus zeles de cette Societe de S. Vincent de Paul dont je t'ai deja parle, et ne se contente pas de servir les pauvres et les malades, mais leur consacre encore les soirees.

He was then, for the first time, employed in a diplomatic mission to Berlin, where he so far insinuated himself into the good graces of their Prussian Majesties that the King admitted him to the royal table, and on the parade at Potsdam presented him to his generals and officers as an aide-de-camp 'du plus grand homme que je connais; whilst the Queen gave him a scarf knitted by her own fair hands.

"Oh," said Auber, "je connais ces amities-la; on dit que l'amour et l'amitie sont frere et soeur. Cela se peut, mais ils ne sont pas du meme lit." Auber said, "Certainement, mais j'aime mieux monter que descendre." In other words, J'aime mieux mon the que des cendres. How can people be so quick-witted? Auber has given me all his operas, and I have gone through them all with him for his music.

When I wished to give him my name, he enthusiastically interrupted me with the exclamation, 'O, je connais bien Monsieur Richard Wagner, puisque j'ai son portrait suspendu au-dessus de mon piano. Much astonished, I asked what he knew about me, and learned that by careful study of my pianoforte arrangements he had become one of my most fervent admirers.

"No; like you, monsieur, she asked me to walk into her parlour." "And Madame Reuter the old duenna my mother's gossip, was there, of course?" "No, monsieur; I had the honour of being quite alone with mademoiselle." "C'est joli cela," observed M. Pelet, and he smiled and looked into the fire. "Honi soit qui mal y pense," murmured I, significantly. "Je connais un peu ma petite voisine voyez-vous."

"To think that all my Egyptian researches should end in Antony!" she said, with a joyous look at her lover, who required to be informed which Antony she meant. "I remember him in Plutarch," he said. "He was a jolly fellow." "And in Shakespeare." "Connais pas," said Rorie. "I've read some of Shakespeare's plays, of course, but not all. He wrote too much."