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As to the improvement of Medicines, this may be added, by the experimenting Physician, that in distill'd waters he will consider and find which of them will afford any virtue, which only phlegm equivalent but to Conduit-water, which of them will keep long, and in perfection, which soon or in what time decay, and spend them accordingly, and in compound distill'd waters, will find cause to lay aside many simples as nothing conducing, or rather weakning the efficacy of the Medicine designed; whereby much charge and trouble will be spared, and better compositions be made.

Take eight Gallons of Conduit-water, and boil it very well; then put as much Honey in it, as will bear an Egge, and stir it well together.

Take good sound clear Pippins, pare, quarter and coar them; then put them into a skillet of Conduit-water, such a proportion as you intend to make; boil it very well: then let the liquor run from the pulp through a sieve, without forcing, and let it stand till the next morning.

It will be the better to most taste, if you put a very little Rosemary into the liquor, when you boil it, and a little Limon-peel into each bottle, when you bottle it up. Take a Gallon of Conduit-water, one pound of blew Raisins of the Sun stoned, and half a pound of Sugar. Squeese the juyce of two Limons upon the Raisins and Sugar, and slice the rindes upon them.