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Madame had an eager desire to understand and appreciate English jokes, and of all things a joke is the most difficult to translate. A fellow-lodger once incautiously repeated to me a joke which he had read in a paper. 'Igh 'am. Compris? Second British Soldier: 'You leave it to me, Bill. I know the lingo. Garçon, Je suis."

"When people come chez moi, it is not to cut a figure in the world; I have never had that illusion," I remember hearing her say; "and when you pay seven francs a day, tout compris, it comprises everything but the right to look down upon the others. But there are people who, the less they pay, the more they take themselves au serieux.

The Hartwell Journal du Siége says: "II fut décidé qu'on ne laisseroit dans la place que 1,200 hommes, et que tout le reste marcheroit au camp, l'on comptoit se trouver plus de 15,000 hommes, y compris les sauvages."

His pidgin-French made her show her little pearly teeth in a smile. "Good," she said in English. They laughed childishly. "Say, will you be my girl, Yvonne?" She looked in his eyes and laughed. "Non compris," she said. "We, we; voulez vous et' ma fille?" She shrieked with laughter and slapped him hard on the cheek. "Venez," she said, still laughing. He followed her.

Angel and I are going to be there this evening till it's my bed-time; and you can come up with me if you will. Oh, I'm so thankful you don't need to vanish for a little while." The stairs and corridors were not lighted yet. One economises with electric light and many other little things at a hotel pension, where the prices are "from five francs a day, vin compris."

Angel and I are going to be there this evening till it's my bed-time; and you can come up with me if you will. Oh, I'm so thankful you don't need to vanish for a little while." The stairs and corridors were not lighted yet. One economises with electric light and many other little things at a hotel pension, where the prices are "from five francs a day, vin compris."

"Mais, monsieur je ne sais pas suivre vous allez si vite." "Je n'ai rien compris, moi!" Here a general murmur arose, and the teacher, opening her lips for the first time, ejaculated "Silence, mesdemoiselles!" No silence followed on the contrary, the three ladies in front began to talk more loudly. "C'est si difficile, l'Anglais!" "Je deteste la dictee."

Comme il n'y avait pas de reporter, et que je n'avais aucune note, et comme l'auditoire, y compris nos Seigneurs les eveques, avait accueilli mon speech avec bienveillance, je l'ai note sur le papier comme disent les musiciens avant de me coucher. Vous avez ete presque mon parrain a Oxford, je vous en dois bien la copie. C'est, en tous cas, un temoignage de ma fidele amitie.

It was published with some subsequent state-papers of Vergennes, Turgot, and others, as "a new benefit of the Revolution," and the advertisement to the publication ends with the following words: "Il sera facile de se convaincre, QU'Y COMPRIS MÊME LA RÉVOLUTION, en grande partie, ON TROUVE DANS CES MEMOIRES ET CES CONJECTURES LE GERME DE TOUT CE QUI ARRIVE AUJOURD'HUI, et qu'on ne peut, sans les avoir lus, être bien au fait des intérêts, et même des vues actuelles des diverses puissances de l'Europe."

A few steps brought them to a smaller restaurant, where a dozen people were already lunching on the pavement under an awning; on the window was announced in large white letters: Dejeuner 1.25, vin compris. "We couldn't have anything cheaper than this, and it looks quite all right." They sat down at a vacant table and waited for the omelette which was the first article on the bill of fare.