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"One fine morninge, earlie, at ye Café de la Plage, Blankenberghe, ye celebrated Rag, deeming himself alone, treateth himself to a private performance of ye Padre furioso e figlia infelice, in imitatione of his illustrious friende, Felix Bobtailo. Presentlie a voice exclaimeth behind him, 'Monsieur, permettez moi de vous féliciter, and a ladie politelie maketh him complimente on his talente.

Succeeding bumpers finally dissipated entirely the resentment of the former jailer, and when they parted probably never to meet again he and his prisoner had become the best friends in the world. "Meine besten complimente der Frau Hauptmannin!" said Henri to him, in leaving him on the boulevard. "Lieber Gott! I shall take good care not to own to her that I dined with you." "And why, pray?"

Succeeding bumpers finally dissipated entirely the resentment of the former jailer, and when they parted probably never to meet again he and his prisoner had become the best friends in the world. "Meine besten complimente der Frau Hauptmannin!" said Henri to him, in leaving him on the boulevard. "Lieber Gott! I shall take good care not to own to her that I dined with you." "And why, pray?"

Succeeding bumpers finally dissipated entirely the resentment of the former jailer, and when they parted probably never to meet again he and his prisoner had become the best friends in the world. "Meine besten complimente der Frau Hauptmannin!" said Henri to him, in leaving him on the boulevard. "Lieber Gott! I shall take good care not to own to her that I dined with you." "And why, pray?"