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"Whether she goes there or not, my opinion is still the same," returned Albert. "You have read the letter?" "Yes." "You know how imperfectly the women of the mezzo cito are educated in Italy?" "Yes." "Well, read the letter again. Look at the writing, and find if you can, any blemish in the language or orthography." "Laugh as much as you will," replied Albert, "I am in love."

Our young men need curbing. Youthful precocity must be checked. "Cito maturum cito putridum" says the Latin, "soon ripe, soon rotten." We allow our young men, some of them exceedingly young, too many liberties. We allow them to sow too many wild oats.

He made heavy demands upon me; but I told him I would do nothing for him until I have the book; I am, therefore, in hopes that I shall have it, as he is in need of my good offices": "Monachus Hersfeldensis venit absque libro; multumque est a me increpatus ob eam causam; asseveravit se cito rediturum, nam litigat nomine Monasterii, et portaturum librum.

The production of temporary insensibility at will tuto, cito, jucunde, safely, quickly, pleasantly is one of those triumphs over the infirmities of our mortal condition which change the aspect of life ever afterwards.

Solum, praeter oleam vitemque et cetera calidioribus terris oriri sueta, patiens frugum, fecundum. Tarde mitescunt, cito proveniunt: eadem utriusque rei causa, multus humor terrarum coelique. Fert Britannia aurum et argentum et alia metalla, pretium victoriae: gignit et Oceanus margarita, sed subfusca ac liventia.

No common folly, no vulgar incapacity, no ordinary official negligence, even no official crime, no corruption, no peculation, hardly any direct hostility, which we have seen in the modern world, could in so short a time have made so complete an overthrow of the finances, and, with them, of the strength of a great kingdom. Cedo quî vestram rempublicam tantam amisistis tam cito?

His Majesty knows and is proud of it, for it shows their love of his countenance; and he says, "bis dat qui cito dat," then how can I grumble at giving twice, when I give so slowly? 'Nay, I will take it but once, I said; 'if His Majesty loves to be robbed, he need not lack of his desire, while the Spanks are sixteen in family.

There seemed more than I of the same opinion, for Col Ferguson chose the ducking rather than the conversation. Young Mr. Surtees came this evening. August 17. Wrote half a leaf short of my task, having proofs, etc., to correct, and being called early to walk with the ladies. I have gained three leaves in the two following days, so I cannot blame myself. Sat cito si sat bene.

Though it be also true, "Nemo potest diu personam ferre fictam: cito in naturam suam residunt, quibus veritas non subest": "No man can long continue masked in a counterfeit behavior: the things that are forced for pretences having no ground of truth, cannot long dissemble their own natures."

"Quid damni?" said he, "Dic; et cito solvam." The podesta snuffed the gold: fined him a ducat for the duke; about the value of the whole tree; and pouched the coin. The Englishman shook off his ire the moment he was liberated, and laughed heartily at the whole thing; but was very grateful to Clement. "You are too good for this hole of a country, father," said he, "Come to England!