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Many others, MM. Cailletet and Colardeau, M. Young, M.J. Chappuis, etc., have proceeded thus. The case of mixtures is much more complicated. A binary mixture has a critical space instead of a critical point. This space is comprised between two extreme temperatures, the lower corresponding to what is called the folding point, the higher to that which we call the point of contact of the mixture.

The classical work of Andrews was not very wide. Andrews did not go much beyond pressures close to the normal and ordinary temperatures. Of late years several very interesting and peculiar cases have been examined by MM. Cailletet, Mathias, Batelli, Leduc, P. Chappuis, and other physicists.

M.P. Chappuis, in some very precise experiments conducted with much method, has proved that at ordinary temperatures the indications of such a thermometer are so close to the degrees of the theoretical scale that it is almost impossible to ascertain the value of the divergences, or even the direction that they take. The divergence becomes, however, manifest when we work with extreme temperatures.

But even under this hypothesis, I cannot help thinking the ancients had some other means of catching the light and diffusing it in their apartments, in some such manner as the Chappuis' reflectors we now use, though no certain evidence is yet forthcoming that they did so.

"For my part, I have not yet had time to read their history, but the first reading I do will assuredly be that. "Mademoiselle Chappuis has the honor of recalling herself to your memory, and I have that of being your very humble servant, "Wilhelmina Rietz." The allusions to a "history" and to the 'Megamiques' in this letter refer to Casanova's romance, 'Icosameron'.