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Narrow-shouldered, sunken-chested, with cheeks cavernously hollow, he looked like a man in the last stages of consumption. Little life as Sundry Buyers showed, Nancy showed even less life. And these were bosuns! bosuns of the fine American sailing-ship Elsinore! Never had any illusion of mine taken a more distressing cropper.

"Considerin' the price the box of fifty was knocked down to me for at Kreils' auction yesterday," states Captain Bingo, "it's simply smokin' gold. Nine pound fifteen-and-six runs me into, how much apiece?" He yawns cavernously, and gives the calculation up.

They spent so much time in the church that when they issued on the Piazza at last it was with amazement to discern that the cloud mass which an hour before had piled ethereal tones of blueness above Frauli, lit cavernously by soundless flashes, had dissolved in rain. "And I haven't even an umbrella," explained Miss Dassonville with a real dismay.

Indeed, the contrast between his appearance and his manner was sufficiently surprising to be one of the commonest of social phenomena in the mines. The old man advanced a step toward the fire, glowing cavernously in the green goggles. Mr. Beeson resumed: "You bet your life I am!" Mr. Beeson's elegance was not too refined; it had made reasonable concessions to local taste.

A short hoot on which it would have been impossible to put any sort of interpretation came from the bottom cavernously. This was the way in which the second engineer answered his chief. He was a middle-aged man with an inattentive manner, and apparently wrapped up in such a taciturn concern for his engines that he seemed to have lost the use of speech.

The handkerchief fell from his face, and he blinked at me, first with the dazed glassiness of the newly awakened, then with a 'Soul's Awakening' expression, which spread over his face until it melted into a friendly smile. 'Hello, young man! 'Good afternoon. You seem tired. He yawned cavernously. 'Lord! What a night! 'Did Buck drop in?

Three minutes would have sufficed from the final position, to hurl columns upon the opposing outworks, and sweep them with the bayonet. McClellan worshipped great ordnance, and some of his columbiads, that were mounted in the water battery, yawned cavernously through their embrasures, and might have furnished sleeping accommodations to the gunners.

He comes by here on his way home." The Blight's eyes opened wide apparently we were on his trail. It is not wise for a member of the police guard at the Gap to show too much curiosity about the lawless ones of the hills, and I asked no questions. "They calls him the Wild Dog over here," he added, and then he yawned cavernously.

"No, not all the time. If there ain't any people in he kin lie in er corner on th' stror under his blanket an' sleep, an' sometimes he kin stay lyin' on the stror when there's on'y a few people in, so long ez he growls a bit, an' stretches hisself. There's a lot in stretchin' hisself proper." "Like this," said Nickie. He reached out one leg, clawed with his left hand, and yawned cavernously.

Perhaps it was the elevation of the liquor, but he seemed to discover new virtues in her rugged face. Frona had put on her dried moccasins and risen to her feet, and was listening patiently to Jake Cornell, who hiccoughed a last incoherent toast. "To the hic man," he rumbled, cavernously, "the man hic that made that made " "The blessed country," volunteered the Virgin. "True, my dear hic.