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The original of the story of Fra Diavolo is to be found in Lesueur's opera, "La Caverne," afterwards arranged as a spectacular piece and produced in Paris in 1808 by Cuvellier and Franconi, and again in Vienna in 1822 as a spectacle-pantomime, under the title of "The Robber of the Abruzzi."

«Ici dont c'est le roc gris qui est renfermé entre deux bancs de roc brun au lieu qu'auprès de la caverne, c'étoit le roc brun, qui étoit resserré entre deux bancs de roc gris; mais cette différence n'est pas ce qu'il y a de plus difficile

Si du grande chemin qui est au pied de la caverne, on jette les yeux sur le rocher dans lequel est son ouverture, on observera que les bancs de ce rocher sont très épais, et composés d'une pierre calcaire grise; qu'au dessus cette pierre grise on en voit une autre de couleur brune, dont les couches font très minces; mais qui par leur répétition forment une épaisseur considérable.

And only second to their road making, I would place the work of the Italian Engineers in blasting caverne and gun positions and trenches in the rock, an invaluable and unending labour. We British Gunners spent our first Italian summer in khaki drill tunics and shorts and Australian "smasher hats."

Behinde the back of the goddesse was carved a stone in manner of a Caverne, environed with mosse, herbes, leaves, sprigs, green branches and bowes, growing in and about the same, insomuch that within the stone it glistered and shone marvellously, under the brim of the stone hanged apples and grapes carved finely, wherein Art envying Nature, shewed her great cunning.

But then he is brave, and knows how to fight." "Priests when one needs soldiers! bishops who are no bishops at all! generals who are no generals!" La Vieuville interrupted Boisberthelot. "Have you the Moniteur in your stateroom, commander?" "Yes." "What are they giving now in Paris?" "'Adele and Pauline' and 'La Caverne." "I should like to see that." "You may. We shall be in Paris in a month."

Then Thrasileon was ready at hand, and leaped out of the caverne, and went to kill all such as he found asleepe: but when he came to the Porter, he opened the gates and let us in, and then he shewed us a large Counter, wherein we saw the night before a great aboundance of treasure: which when by violence we had broke open, I bid every one of my fellows take as much gold and silver as they could carry away: and beare it to the sepulchre, and still as they carried away I stood at the gate, watching diligently when they would returne.

Just below the crest we entered the trenches, which were held at this time by the Florence Brigade. The construction of these trenches was very interesting. They were all blasted in the rock, and many drilling machines were at work as I passed along them, increasing the number of caverne, or dug-outs, and deepening those already in existence.

He went to Hospital and thence to England, and saw no more of the war, for the sight of his eye came back to him but slowly. The Italians had also blasted some good caverne in the position, and these we gradually enlarged and multiplied, till we had cover for the whole Battery. But this clearance hardly showed in aeroplane photographs, as there were already many bare patches in the woods.

One day during that winter, the sun had shown itself a little in the afternoon, but it was the 2d of February, that ancient Candlemas day whose treacherous sun, the precursor of a six weeks' cold spell, inspired Mathieu Laensberg with these two lines, which have with justice remained classic: Qu'il luise ou qu'il luiserne, L'ours rentre dans en sa caverne.